chapter 5

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Time skip to night

It's already 9 clock at night jimin come out of  castle secretly Jackson is waiting for him outside of castle as ofhe saw jimin

Jackson: finally u come

Jimin: let's go before someone's caught

Both of them walk towards forest as jimin' asked

Jimin: do you know the way

Jackson: yes i know

After so many hours of walk they reached at borders of dark territory where they saw some soliders

Jimin: there security is so high he siad while looking at everywhere

Jackson: here is your fake identity card let's go

Both take deep breaths and walk towards broder when a solider stop them

Soilder: what are you doing at this time who are you

Jackson: ab we are husband's and we come to travel here we are coming from far that's why we get late at this time

Soilder: from where you are coming

Jackson: we are coming From clouds Kingdom

Soilder: ok show me your both identity

Jimin and Jackson show it as solidar saw and let them go after checking

Jackson and jimin both sigh in relief as they look at eachother and give high five

They are now walking in street of dark territory as jimin siad

Jimin: wow it's all so beautiful here i thought it must be scary or something creepy

Jackson: didn't i told you before

Jimin: yeah yeahh let's go further

Both are walking as it's already 11 clock

Jimin: Jackson i am hungry please bering some food here

Jackson: but at that time from where i Bering

Jimin: i don't know just go

Jackson: ok I'll see but wait here don't go anywhere

Jimin nodded as he sat in bench which on streets while enjoying the atmosphere when he hear the voice

??: hey babyboy what are you doing here

Jimin: who are you

??2: ohh comon such Beauty like you sitting here alone that's no fair let's we help u

Jimin: i don't want your help he siad with cold face

??': camon don't ve stubborn

The two boy walk towards jimin as jimin standup and start walks backwards slowly when three of the hear deep clam scery voice which is enough to kill anyone

??: don't you both understand what he said he siad while looking death in front of them

As two boy's saw the person face they started shaking as they fell down on there knees while pleading

??: please forgive us please king

??2: we will not do like that again

Jimin is looking at evrything with wide eye's as he realises the person infront of him is min yoongi

Yoongi: a people like u don't deserve marcy kai take them for special treatment

Kai nodded as he take them from there yoongi look at jimin who is staring him with wide open eyes without blinking eye's

Jackson also reached there btw stop when he saw yoongi there

Yoongi: who are you both

Jackson : we are husband's and we come to travel here and we are from cloud kingdom

Yoongi: jhope take our geust to geust room he siad while smrike on his face which is only noticed by jhope as he nodded and told a soliders to take them Jackson and jimin walk with solider

Jhope: u know they are lying hyung then why

Yoongi: prince jimin want to play then let's play along he siad while smrike on his face

To be countine.......

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