chapter 3

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Time skip to evening

All the kings reached in dark territory as kai told commander jhope to make the security more hard and take care of everything

After sometime king of Haven mr jeon reach there with his son jungkook also

As all the kings are present in thron hall and sitting in there respective Seats and maids servings drinks to them

Everyone wait for king 👑 of royalty aka min yoongi

After sometime the thron door open reliving the king yoongi with his dark aura and bold personality he entered inside not to looking at anyone just walk towards his position

All kings present in thron become weak infront of him and bowd slightly

Yoongi sit and gesture other to sit as he siad

Yoongi: start the meeting

Meanwhile other side somewhere in village

A tall boy giving some water to vegetables peacefully unitle he hear voice

??: joonie

Namjoon: prince jin what are you doing here

Jin: aish Will you stop calling me prince jin can't you just call me babe

Namjoon: no prince jin

Jin: rude he said while pout

Jin sat there while looking at namjoon and eating tomato 🍅

Other side in thron hall

Meeting is going on as jk get bored so he get a Idea in his mind

Jk: ummm appa

Mr jeon: what happened

Jk: i need to use rest room

Mr jeon: fine come fast

Jk stand up and went from there as he come out of thron hall

Jk in his mind: thank God I'll save it's so boring

Then he start walking here and there as he walked towards garden he reached there as he look around when he's eye's fell on someone

A cute boy with boxy smile collecting a follower looking so beautiful like angel he walked towards a boy but before he reached there someone' called him from behind

??: who are you what are doing here

Jk: i am prince of heaven and i am finding restroom

??: it's not here come I'll show you

Jk walk with that boy but look at the angel last time infront of him

And in thron hall

Yoongi: so all have to follow our rule and regulations now i think anyone don't have problem or anyone

Mt jeon: i had your rules are wested i will not follow

Yoongi: king jeon it's better for you to follow what's other doing or I'll not think twice to make your heaven hell

He look at others as siad again

Meeting is over now all of you can go after having your dinner from our side he siad and walked from there

Mr jeon: what the hell he think himself

Minster: king forget him we will saw him later please from now don't get angry

Mr jeon can'troll his anger and left from there he come out of castle as he ask where is jk

Jk: i am here appa sorry i lose the way of rest room

King jeon: let's go we are going

Jk nodded as they left for heaven

To be countine.............

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