chapter 12

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Jk holds tae,s hand as everyone bow in respect towards taehyung

Jk started walking towards castle while holding tae hand who is follow him like lost puppy

Author pov

Now how jk come there you all must be thinking let me tell you

End of pov


It's a midnight jk wake up as he felt a pain in his arms as though to take some fresh air

He walked outside of castle while holding his arms so he keep walking but stop when he hear some noise he saw three mans but one man face is not visible because it's dark as that tall man trun jk saw the face with shocked face

Only one question roaming in his mind like what he is doing here

That's how jk reached there

End of flashback

Tae and jk reached castle as they enter inside the hall but a cold hard deep voice make them to stop on there place and make tae flinch

??: stop right there park jungkook

Jungkook: dad you will not going to harm him

Mr park: now you will going to tell me what will i do or not

Jungkook: he is my husband now

He siad as he felt a burning sensation on his cheeks as hard slap land on his face which make tae shocked

Mr park: how dare you

Jungkook: i dare because i a prince of this kingdom mr park and u cant touch him if anyone dare then come

He look at all the soliders with deadly stare he is ready to fight with thousands of soliders but he is not ready to leave tae hand

Mr pakr clinched his jaw and left from there in anger as all the soliders also left mrs par also left behind his hubby

Jk take tae in his room as they both come inside and jk lock the door tae was keep looking on floor with wet eyes

Jk: it's not no one hurt u u should sleep it's already abouts to morning in some hour's

Tae nodded his head and started to walk towards couch but jk stop him

Jk: go sleep on bed i will sleep here tae loom at him with scared eyes as he hug him with thinking and sobbing

Tae: i want to go my Hyung please he siad with shaking voice indeed he is secrd he Hyung never let him hurt he never let a come a single scratch on him but Today every person want to kill him here he's hyung never let anyone to lay bad eyes on him but Today he saw lust in everyone's eyes

Night' skip slowly but the morning going to bring onther strom

Everyone is dining hall doing breakfast jimin is also sit beside yoongi

Jimin can't denay but he felt so safe near yoongi he just wnat to stay around him

Yoongi: where is tae bear

Jin: he must be sleeping

They where talking when a spy come running towards them as yoongi look at him with frown

Spy: your highness prnice tae

Yoongi: what happened to tae

He again look at the ground but a voice make him to Shiver in fear

YOONGI: I SAID WHAT HAPPEN TO TAE he siad with deep voice which is scry then anything

Spy: prince jungkook and prince tae Marry to each other

Jimin wide his eyes jin becomes worried for his tae tae but yoongi he is like going to kill someone

Spy: yesterday king park made a plan to trap prince taehyung as he bring him to heaven and cross the border as he get success full on that they were about to attack him but prince jk saved him and he marry him to save him so that no can touched him because no one had dare to touched crown prince husband i heard king park is so mad and crown prince jk

Jimin: is tae is ok he ask with concern voice

But he hard slap on his face which make him lose his balance and fell down on ground

Yes yoongi slap him because he was angry it's all are because of his father's he hold jimin and make him stand while pulling close to his chest to makeing him hiss in pain

Yoongi: if something happens to my bear then i swer i will kill your whole family your whole kingdom I'll destroy he siad while leaving jimin

As he Went from there jin come towards jimin as he hug him and siad

Jin: don't mind his words he is just angry

Jimin: i know Hyung i will not blame him it's all happening because of me

Jin: no jimin it's not

Jimin : hyung why he hate heaven this much

Jin: come I'll tell

He take him from there as they went away

Author pov

So next episode is going to be interested but i am leaving qoustion for all of you tell will tae leave jk or go with his brother or he will stay with jk what do you think

To be countine................

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