chapter 11

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Jimin and yoongi jackson reach dark territory as yoongi told a maid to show the room too jimin and Jackson

As yoongi set on his throne while someone speak getting his attention

Jhope: now he will going to try to attack on us

Yoongi: who care

Other side with JImin

Jimin is standing in room he can't believe he have to leave his own houes like that' he's own father becomes he's enemy'

He was so lost in his thought as he didn't notice someone' enter inside

??: hey jimin

Jimin come to earth when he heard a sweet bubbly voice as he trun to see the person

JImin: who are you

??: ohh i foregt to interdouce my self i am min taehyung younger brother of yoongi Hyung

JImin: ohhh nice to meet you taehyung

Tae: no problem come with me I'll show you our castle wannna see

JImin: ahh sure 😃

As tae take jimin with him to show castle

Other side in heaven

A royal doctor treating jungkook as he is unconscious queen is sitting beside him while cresing his face

Royal doctor: don't worry your Highness prince jungkook will be fine soon

She nodded and thanks him then that royal doctor left from there

Other side in dark territory as it's a night time evryone was inside there room' tae and jimin also went back to thier room tae is standing in his balcony when he saw a man who is hiding his face jumping outside the castle

Tae in his mind: that man looking mistiryous should i follow him

Tae run outside of castle as he started following the man the man meet onther man as they where talking tae hide a tree as he was listening

Man1: i had made a plan to kill min yoongi

Tae gasp as he hear they are saying to kill his hyung

Man 2: did had all the wepon

Man 1: yes come follow me

Tae also started follow them without realising he is crossing the border of dark territory

He was keep walking as the Both man aslo stop as one man siad loudly


When tae realise he is not in his territory as he started shaking in fear

He trun to run from there but it's too late to run all the soliders come infront of him as he was trap in between them

Author pov

Yes it's all a paln to trap taehyung which is made by none other then king park

Pov end

They where about to attack' on tae when someone come and kill the one man as he started fighting with them he took a chance as he hold tae hand and they both started running they were keep running as soliders are following them they reached towrads charch as they entered inside

As they both stop there while breathing heavily

Tae: now what are we going to do

??: we are going to Marry

Tae wide his eyes as he look at the person and siad

Tae: what the hell u say i will not going to Marry a stranger

??: if you want to live then you have to marry me

Tae: ohh why they leaves me when i Marry u

??: just because i am Jungkook prince of heaven and next king also and jimin brother also

Tae: but i don't know u how can I

Jk: look this time being alive is important so cut the crap

Jk take the tae towards Father of charch

Father: prince jungkook what are you doing here at this time

Jk: father we don't have time we want to marry please started the process fast

Father nodded in confusion as tae and jk are standing infront of each other a

Father: son what's your name

Tae: huh min taehyung

Father: do you park Jungkook take min taehyung as your lawfull wedded husband

Jk: i do

Father: min taehyung did you take park Jungkook as your lawfull wededd husband

Tae wasn't answering as how can he suddenly Marry someone and with his enmey sons how what will he tell his hyung he was so lost in his own thoughts but it's break Down when when the soliders entered inside the charch

Tàe: i-i do he siad while looking at them being scaerd

Father: you may kiss now

Jk didn't even west a time he pull tae towards him and kiss his forehead

Father: i announce you both as husband and husband

All the soliders stop on thier track when jk siad tae is now married to thier soon to be king

As no one have dare to touch the person who is belong to jk

Aouthr pov

Now you were must be thinking how jk reach there when he was injured you will get to know in next part

To be countine.....

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