chapter 7

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Jimin and come to geust house as he met Jackson

Jackson: wow where the hell you Went JImin i was worried about you

Jimin: ab nowhere

Jackson: now let's go back to our home doesn't it's all enough

JImin: no i have to know more about him

Jackson: look if he get to know that we are fucking lie him he will chop our heads and feeds to dogs

JImin: he already no

Jackson: ohh ok wait what the he'll he siad while being shock

JImin: yes he knows who we are

Jackson: no we are gone he siad as door open reliving soliders

Solider 1: let's go king called you in thrown hall he siad as be told other to tide there hands and take them

In thrown hall

Jimin and Jackson come infront of YOONGI

As jackson is praying for he's dear life and jimin he look straight into yoongi eyes which is daring to make yoongi smriked

YOONGI: so prince park jimin you dare to enter in my territory without ligle permission and for that i will Cage you in chains ⛓️ here unitle you die he siad with deep clam voice which is giving shiver down to everyone mind

JImin: king i am already CAGE IN YOUR LOVE he siad with no fear visible in he,s eyes this time as everyone stand up from there sits while mouth being hang open

Like no one no one have dare to talk back to min yoongi and this boy is not only talking but looking straight into yoongis eyes which means he giving him challenge

Jackson in his mind: now i can't be live this shorty gosh why i listen him Jackson do something before you die

YOONGI: so you have dare to talk back he siad with same voice

Jimin is about say something but jackson interput between them

Jackson: y-your highness i am sorry from his side he just hit his mind somewhere we just come here for traveling we are not lie we lie because we hear that heaven Angel don't allow to come in dark territory and we here a lot about here that's why we have to lie please have Marcy on us we won't do again we will go from here

Jimin: but i only come here for YOU MY KING 👑 he siad as smriked plasterd on his face

Jackson close his eyes can'trolling his mind as he try to slove problam and to escape from here but this boylike want to die early

With taejin who are sitting on there place in thrown hall looking at each other

Tae: brother what a dareing person

Jin: i like him

Tae; i wish he get marry to Hyung

YOONGI: you are going close to death

JImin: if it's make you happy then i am ready

YOONGI: take them to persion he siad as he left the thrown hall this is the first time someone make him speechless he tought JImin is like other boy's whom he can scer but no jimin duilty hit different

To be countine.......

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