chapter 16

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Yoongi left the room as jimin look at the food he remembers that creepy moments like seriously he is looking like a heartless monster 💀 he siad in his mind when a voice startled him

Tae: that's why people call him devil 😈

Jimin: why he is like this

Tae: Times change everything jimin'

Jimin' didn't siad anything as eat quietly his food

Otherside with namjin

Jin come out of washroom as a two pairs of hands hug him from behind

Namjoon: you smell good babe

Jin: yeah i know joonie you won't leave me naa

Namjoon: no I'll not

Jin hug namjoon as namjoon lost in his own thoughts

Jin: i should go if Hyung don't find me in castle then he will be worry namjoon nodded his head as jin left from there

Tae was going to meet jungkook where jungkook called him but he hides behind the tree 🎄 when he he saw jk and his father talking something

Jk: don't worry dad everything is according to plan and that tae is fool

Mr Jeon: now min yoongi I'll distroy you well

Tae put the hand on his mouth not believing that the person he trusting the person he started love is betraying him and planning to killed his brother
Tae wiped his tears harshly as he went away from there

Tae reached his own castle 🏯 and went straight to his room and locked it that day he cride whole day but that not

Time' skip to after week it's been week when that incident happened tae didn't tell anyone and he cut every source to meet jk while jk is confused.
It's morning everyone sitting on breakfast table

Tae was eating his food with cold expressionless face yoongi know something is wrong but he want to tell him himself

Jimin and jin is serving food as jin eyes suddenly become blur as he started feeling dizzy 🥴 and the next moment everything becomes black out

Yoongi take jin towards his room as they called doctor after checking come downstairs

Yoongi: how's he doctor

Doctor: your highness congratulations he is going to be mother

Everyone winded his eye's as he's face becomes clam which is not good tae and is shocked

Jimin in his mind: what you did Hyung  he closed his eyes and take a deep breath

Doctor left from there as yoongi left to. Jin room and tae jimin follow him

Yoongi: who is the father he siad with clam voice which make jin sacerd out of hell

Jimin: you are screing him

Yoongi looked at jimin while glering and said

Yoongi: now you teach me how to talk

Jimin shake his head in no yoongi again look at jin

Jin: Hyung he is good person

Yoongi: his name

Jin: k-kim namjoon

Yoongi eye's darken as he siad come towards jin and slap him hard to making him fell on the bed as tae and jimin run towards jin and hold him  as tears fell from jin eye's this first time yoongi raised his hand on his brother

Yoongi: correction min seockjin it's not kim namjoon it's jeon namjoon

Tae and jimin eyes widened

Jin; no hyung it's not true no it's can't he love me

Yoongi: he don't love you he fools you

Jin run out of the castles to find namjoon as no noe try to stop him

But Yoongi face is telling it's a silence before strom is coming

To be countine....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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