chapter 9

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Commender leave jimin and Jackson on border of heaven

Commander: you can go i am not allow to go further

Jimin and Jackson step inside border of heaven as before walking towards heaven he again look at back dark territory

Jackson: let's go

Jimin nodded his head as he walked backs to castle he was  going when a voice make him and Jackson stop there

JImin:  jk

Jackson: now we are dead he siad as Both of them trun thier head towards jungkook

Jungkook come towards them as frustrataion anger dispointment are visible on his face

Jackson: Jungkook lis--

He was cutt off by hard punch landed on his face making him fell on the ground

JImin: Jungkook

Jk: shut your mouth he shouted as JImin looked at him With shock as this is Frist time younger shout on his Hyung and raside his voice* did you fucking know what you did prince park jimin

JImin: enought park Jungkook this is enough remember whom you are talking i am your Hyung he shouted back

Jk: oh cut the crap you know you put so many innocent people life in danger look at them he pointed towards soliders * did you see the fear pain sacerd on there face for losing there family and there own life

JImin look at the soliders who are looking down but fear of losing everything is visible in there face as he felt guilty

Jk hold JImin hand harshly as he dragged him towards throne hall as jackson and all the soliders follow them silently

Jimin and jk reach throne hall as they meet with the two dark eyes who don't have any emotions in his eyes then the look at Queen who is looking at them having tears in her eyes

JImin: appa i-

He cut off by a hard slap landed on his face making him fell down on ground and make his lips bleed

Tears come in his eyes as he's father first time raised his hand on him jk and mrs park and Jackson and solidars look at him with worry no matter jk is angry on his hyung but he can't see single tear im his hyung eyes

King park: you dare to enter in our enemy territory how dare you to go there he hold jimin arm tightly makeing him hissed in pain as more tears fell from his eyes* now you see the concious he called his personal soliders and siad " take him and this boy to perison tomorrow we will give them a punishment of  death

Jk and queen wide there eyes as they are not believeing what they heard

Jk: what are you saying appa he is your son

King park; no more i don't have any son name jimin

He siad as he left from there a soliders take both of them to jail queen come towards jk as she siad

Queen: jk son save my chim he is innocent your Father will kill him please save him

Jk don't know what to say or do he,s mind is getting puzzle

With jimin and Jackson

Jimin is become numb as tears felling and he was rember he's childhood he's own father siad this just because he enter in his enemy territory

Jackson: it's better we stay in taht territory

JImin: i am sorry jackson

Jackson: don't say

Jimin: it's all because of me

Other side in dakr territory

??: the king of heaven declared the death punishment for prince jimin and his ferind

??: get ready our soliders we will go

??: really do you like him

??: just do what i say don't speak much

To be countine........

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