chapter 10

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Jimin and Jackson are sitting in cold floor wating for there death' as they hear footsteps


Jk: open the door he siad as solider open the lock and enter inside with two maids

JImin: what are you doing here if appa saw u he will hurt you too

Jk: i breing food for you and this blanket you must be hungry Hyung and here is so cold how can you sleep he siad as he signal to maids to put the things

Jimin look at jk as he hug him while tears left from his eyes he was feeling safe in his brother emberce no matter jk is younger then JImin but he always take care of him like older one

Jk: i will not let you hurt don't worry Hyung your kookie is with you before killing you he have to kill me first

Jimin hug him more tightly as jk make him feed and sleep jackson alsi eat with them

Jk: Jackson i am sorry for punch u

Jackson: no its ok don't mind

Jk: i made a plan wehn solider while taking you tomorrow in thrown hall then my personal soliders do attack them and you both run From theree

Jackson: ok I'll understand

Time skip to morning

It's morning already king park sitting on thrown as evryone present in hall including jk

As they all know this time for jimin punishment queen is standing in corner having tears in her eyes

King park: take them here he siad to his solider as solider bow and left

But suddenly a door open reliving a person everyone stand up in there place looking with shock and having fear

His dark eyes his personality his attitude his presence giving gossbumpe to everyone as king park look at him Sternly

??: you didn't change park king

King park: what are you doing here he siad with cold voice

??: i come here to take something which is belong to me he siad with deep voice

King park: there is nothing which belongs to you king yoongi

Suddenly a door oepn reliving jimin and Jackson while soliders holding them

Thier eyes meet with each other dark one with soft one no matter how breave jimin is but From inside he is soft like feather

YOONGI glare at soliders who holding jimin left his arm and glup in fear yoogni walk towards jimin as put the hand on his wirst and pull him closer making everyone shock and king park is currently boiling in anger

King park: they are my criminal king yoongi

King YOONGI: like i care he siad while looking at jimin in his eyes as he trun his gazs towards king park he is going whith me if you have dare stop me he siad while challengeing

King park: what are you waiting kill them he siad to his soliders as yoongi solider also come there as they start to fight jk come Infront of YOONGI as he pull his sowrds Making jimin and Jackson wide there eyes

YOONGI and jk come infront of eachother as they swords ⚔️ meet with each other sowrds jk come near yoogi as he slowly siad to him

Jk : take my brother from him i don't know u but i can see only you can protect him stab me he siad as he low his Power to giving full chance yoongi

Yoongi eyes soften on jk words like how a brother protect his brother and ready to give his own life for him yoongi push jungkook as he hit him with his sowrds in shoulder which mAke him to fell on the ground due to pain yoongi didn't even hit him with full power but still it's too much hard for him

No one dare to come towards yoongi as king park himself don't have a dare to come infront of YOONGI jimin is about to go towards jk but yoongi hold his hand jk signle him to go with weak and half open eyes

Yoongi take jimin outside of castle of heaven as jackson come there

Jackson: take me too with you please

Jimin loom at yoongi as yoongi nodded his head they left from there with there soliders as king park fist his hand in anger

To be countine.........

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