chapter 14

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Yoongi and tae reach the dark territory as jin come running towards tae and hug him

Jin: are you ok my bear did they hurt you

Tae: no hyung i am fine

Jimin was standing far from them while looking at him

Jimin in his mind: you are doing wrong he is innocent don't do that please i know you love him but you are blind in revange don't do this  jimin is keep thinking as he comes out of thoughts when he hear a deep voice

Yoongi: why are you standing here

Jimin: huh i- i was just um

Yoongi: did you hiding something

Jimin: no i didn't

Yoongi: hmm and sorry for morning i was just angry

Jimin': no it's fine

Yoongi went to his room as jimin follow him

Others side in heaven

??: i am proud of you my son

??: thanks appa i know i am good actor

??: let's cheers my son

With namjin in dark territory

Namjoon is doing filling tub of water as he hear a voice jin is coming while running to him as he hug him directly but namjoon lose his balance as both fell on tub of water

Jin is top of namjoon as both looking in eachother eyes as thier heartbeat increase but namjoon broke the eye contact as he said

Namjoon: get up prince jin

Jin: why is there anything wrong

Namjoon: yes if someone see us like that it will be trouble

Jin' : i don't care

Namjoon: but i do he siad as he make jin stand up

Jin: when you going to accept my love

Namjoon: prince jin

Jin: what its been 3 years i am behind u and u just don't care he said as tears come in his eyes if you don't accept me then i will go and die

Namjoon: what are you saying

Jin:'what you heard he siad as he left from there

Namjoon: how will i made u understand I do love you but i am not capable to give everything which you have he said to himself

Other side with yoonmin

Jimin come out of room after taking shower as he didn't notice yoongi is in room he is wearing only shirt 👕 which is coming till to his thighs he stand infront of mirror as he started drying his hair but still don't know someone is looking at him but he stop as he feel someone hand on his wirst as he look up to mirror just to see his husband standing there behind him

Yoongi: what is your intations little angel he siad with deep husky voice which send shivers down to his Spain

Jimin: i-i d- didn't k- know you were in the room i am sorry

Yoongi: why are you shuttering angel i hadn't even did anything he siad as smrik plastered on his face as jimin cheeks trun red 🍒 like cherry he was keep looking at ground having no courage to look his husband eyes

Yoongi come more closer to him as jimin can feel his breath on his neck jimin close his eyes while tigting his fist on his shirt but didn't feel anything so he open it as he saw there is no one in room yoongi left the room he take relief 😮‍💨 as he hold his heart

Jimin to himself: the day i saw u u fell for you when ever you come closer to me my heart started beating fast that's how i fell for you mr devil

Everyone doing their work as tae is standing in balcony while thinking about jk yes he fell for him that day jk save him but he don't know if jk feel the same but he knows he fell for a boy who fight for him from his own kingdom and family who is ready to fight with thousands of soliders but he is not ready to leave his hand he come out of thoughts as he heard a door open slowly

Jimin: hey tae tae

Tae: hey chim hyung

Jimin: how's you

Tae: i am fine but i miss you

Jimin: mee too here i brought food for you

Tae: thanks chim hyung let's eat together as jimin' nodded

Jimin: tae what you thought about i saw you were lost somewhere in thought

Tae: actually chim Hyung i think i love him

Jimin: whom tae

Tae: prince jungkook he siad whie smiling lile idiot

Jimin didn't siad anything as he don't know what to say he just looking at tae who is smiling like idiot

After eating and chatting jimin come out of tae room as he is walking in hallway

Jimin in his mind: i have to do something i can't let this happen he is so innocent with pure heart but what will i do whom I'll tell if I'll tell yoongi he will kill him and if i tell tae he will be break down but i have to stop this game before it's trun into war i can't lose my loved once

To be countine...............

Hey guys hope u like this don't forget to vote and comment ok i don't know how story is going but please tell me if it's fine or not borahe 💜💜

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