Chapter 4: The Temple, The Boy and Loki Familia

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A sudden thud echoed in the Loki Familia's manor, marking the abrupt end to Loki's stealthy approach towards Riveria Ljos Alf

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A sudden thud echoed in the Loki Familia's manor, marking the abrupt end to Loki's stealthy approach towards Riveria Ljos Alf. Her intent had been to surprise the High Elf with a daring, if not entirely appropriate, gesture of affection. However, Riveria, ever the vigilant mage, had preemptively cast a barrier, effortlessly repelling the goddess's advances.

"Oof!" Loki exclaimed, more in surprise than pain, as she hit the floor. "You gotta give me something here, Riveria! A girl like you needs to wear her heart on her sleeve!"

"I did," Riveria replied, rolling her eyes at Loki, who remained prone on the ground. Riveria continued with a dignified calmness, despite the goddess's antics, "this is hardly appropriate behavior, even by your standards."

Undeterred by the reprimand, Loki's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Riveria! This is love, it's passion!"

"If I must agree, then it's best if you act your age," Riveria chided, folding her arms and chastising Loki's lovestruck performance. "There's 'fun,' and then there's overstepping boundaries. You're doing the latter."

The goddess found Riveria's stern response delightful, her antics fueled by the challenge. "So ya say, but I can see that blush of yours just fine!"

Choosing to ignore the provocation, Riveria remained silent, hoping her lack of response would quell Loki's pursuit.

Yet, Loki was relentless, undaunted by Riveria's defenses. "Ah well, guess I've got no choice but to—yowch?!"

Loki yelped in surprise when Riveria pinched her nose as she had before. "How many times must I remind you that this is inappropriate? There's a time and place for everything."

"Rehverriah, ey're trying ah weally, ey know, buht."

"Enough, Loki. This conversation ends now," Riveria interjected firmly, her patience thinning.

Loki, however, shifted the conversation towards Bell Cranel, hoping to catch Riveria off-guard. "Hey, have ya taken a look at the shrimp's kid?"

"Eh?" Riveria released her grasp, allowing Loki to breathe freely once more. She would need to cleanse herself after touching the goddess's nose, or so the High Elf thought.

Caught off-guard, Riveria's composure faltered momentarily. "Bell Cranel has nothing to do with this."

"Now, now, Riveria, play nice with the little ones! It's not like I'm gonna put him in yer path, just wanna have a lil' chat!" Loki chided.

Riveria sighed. "You have my attention."

"Riiight, anyway, ya seen him around lately?"

"I have not," Riveria replied after some thought.

"And..?" Loki prodded.

"I've been in the manor since this morning," Riveria finished.

"Yeah, and what does that mean?"

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