The Traitor Unmasked

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While Riveria was a newlywed seeking the counsel of well-versed Zatrona and Bell was seeking Thalara's romantic sageness (preceding the devastating attack on Luminastra facilitated by a turncoat), the remainder of the party had assembled in the grand hall. Riveria's lavish doting on Bell had created an air of malaise around the group. The shrill voice of Lefiya Viridis upset the discomfiting silence like a red-hot needle through the eardrum, her deep resentment transuding from every word that left her lips.

"That... human! He's been spending all of Riveria-sama's time! They're always together!" She announced, her envy barefaced in her faltering tone.

Ais nodded thoughtfully. "Hmm. You're right. I haven't seen Riveria without him ever since we got here."

"I've never seen Riveria act that way towards anyone else!" Tiona chimed in, her tone animated. "She's always so serious, but with Argonaut-kun... she seems more relaxed."

Bete snorted, crossing his arms over his chest. "Hmph. Who cares. That dang rabbit and whinging old bat deserve each other."

"Bete!" Lefiya gasped. "That's very disrespectful!"

"What're you gonna do about, small fry?"

"Mind that tongue of yours werewolf, or lose it," Ryu said, brokering no room for compromise.

"Tch! Is that a threat, trash?"

"Cut it out, both of you!" Daphne interceded.

"My apologies, Daphne-san. I let my temper get the better of me."

"Whatever." Bete sneered.

"I know that tensions are high, but we mustn't jump to conclusions!"

"I just hope they're not up to anything... improper," Ryu added. "But, I do wish them well."

"Or maybe he's her disciple and she's teaching him things," Welf suggested, trying to find a reasonable explanation.

Daphne nodded in agreement. "Yeah! I know how powerful Riveria-san is. She must be passing her knowledge on to him."

"N-No way! Riveria-sama would never teach a human her secrets!" Lefiya protested, her voice shaking.

Ais shrugged. "They could be just friends."

"Or maybe, they're really in love and trying to keep it a secret from us all," Tiona speculated with a grin.

Bete laughed derisively. "Ha! Don't make me laugh with that bullshit! Those stodgy elves wouldn't approve of that at all."

"Whatever it is, I hope their relationship is pure and... uh! I forgot about the prophecy!" Cassandra said, her voice filled with concern. "They're making babies!"

"Ugh! Cassandra, are you still going on about that baloney?!" Daphne retorted incredulously.

"Shove that prophecy up your fine ass!" Bete chimed in impertinently.

"Uh... okay..." Cassandra said meekly.

"A-A-Anyhow.... Who knows what bad things might happen if that human starts doing indecent things to Riveria-sama!" Lefiya added, her face flushed with embarrassment.

Cassandra paused, a puzzled expression crossing her face. "Wait? What would he do?"

"That's just your sordid imagination, small fry," Bete interjected, but nobody paid him any mind.

"Or they could just be..." Ais began, but her voice trailed off.

"Hey, did you just say something, Ais?" Bete asked, noticing her distraction.

Danmachi: My Adventure With a High Fairy Queen, Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now