Turning Point: Lux Nexus Aegis

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Riveria, Aiz, and Ryuu stepped out of the inn, their faces set with grim determination. The air was thick with tension as they scanned the streets, searching for any sign of Medusa or Bell.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows, her eyes glinting with malevolence. "Not given up on stalking us?" Medusa said, her voice dripping with false sweetness. "You three really need to get a life, you know."

Riveria stepped forward, her staff held high. "Enough games, Medusa," she said, her voice ringing with authority. "We're here for Bell Cranel."

Medusa laughed, a cruel, mocking sound that sent shivers down their spines. "Finders keepers. Go find someone else, you old cougar."

"It's over, Medusa."

"For you, it is. But for me and my Bell, our fate has only just begun."

Riveria's eyes narrowed, her grip tightening on her staff. "I challenge you, Medusa," she said, her voice steady and clear. "A battle for that boy's freedom. The victor takes all."

Medusa's eyes widened, a flicker of surprise crossing her face before it was replaced by a wicked grin. "Come and have a go, if you think you're tough enough."

Riveria took a step closer, her eyes locked with Medusa's. "Your move, Medusa," she said, her voice low and dangerous. "Let's settle this once and for all."

Medusa's eyes flashed with excitement, a twisted grin spreading across her face. "Very well," she said, her voice filled with anticipation. "I'll go easy on you. Wouldn't want the fun to be over too soon."

Riveria, Aiz, and Ryuu dropped into defensive positions, their eyes never leaving Medusa's face. "Let's dance, then," Riveria said, her voice heavy with resolve.

Medusa smirked, a deadly gleam in her eyes. "With pleasure," she replied, her voice a deadly promise of violence. "Let us dance to the death."

The air around them crackled with tension as the two sides faced off, each one waiting for the other to make the first move.

"Aiz, Gale Wind," Riveria called out, her voice steady and clear. "I need you to distract Medusa. Buy me time to prepare my magic. You don't need to protect me, just keep her busy. I won't be long."

Aiz and Ryuu nodded, their faces set with grim resolve. They knew that Riveria's magic was their best chance of defeating Medusa and saving Bell, but they also knew that it would take time for her to cast her spell.

Without hesitation, they leapt into action. "Tempest!" Aiz cried, unleashing her wind magic. Her blade tore through the air, striking at Medusa with blinding speed.

Aiz charged forward, her sword flashing in the moonlight as she struck at Medusa with lightning speed.

Ryuu followed close behind, her wooden sword carving through the air with deadly precision.

But Medusa was no pushover. She blocked Aiz's attack with her extremely long, retractable claws on her right hand, before ducking under Ryuu's blade and striking back with her tail.

Medusa laughed, the sound echoing through the empty streets as she deftly dodged their attacks. "Oh, this is just too easy!" she taunted, a cruel grin on her face.

Riveria focused, her eyes narrowed in concentration as she began to chant her spell. "The flame will soon be released. Creeping war, unavoidable destruction..." she murmured, her voice low and steady. A mighty magic circle began to materialize.

Ryuu and Aiz continued their assault on Medusa, their blades leaving behind brilliant trails as they relentlessly attacked. But no matter how fast or strong their attacks were, Medusa seemed to effortlessly dodge or block them with ease.

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