Caged by Limitations

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Riveria made her way to the Hermes Familia home, her mind heavy with the weight of recent events. As she approached the entrance, Hermes himself greeted her, a solemn expression on his usually jovial face.

"Nine Hell," he said softly.

"Hermes. I apologize for showing up without prior notice. I have some business to discuss."

"You're here for Asfi's keepsake, presumably?"

Riveria nodded, her expression unreadable. "Yes, Lord Hermes. I understand she left them to Bell Cranel, the new Perseus."

Hermes led Riveria inside, guiding her to a room where Asfi's possessions were neatly arranged. Among the various magical items, Riveria's eyes were drawn to a pair of winged sandals – Asfi's Talaria. Riveria picked them up and placed them on her lap as she sat down on a nearby chair, her head bowed in prayer.

Hermes placed a comforting hand on Riveria's shoulder. "Asfi has always been a very...driven individual. She's always had a strong sense of duty. Even when I'd first taken her in as a member of my Familia, she was never one to let others do things for her."

Riveria took a deep breath, composing herself. "No, she wasn't. She always did things her own way, didn't she?" She recalled all the times that Asfi had gone out of her way to help her, whether it was on her request or not. The young adventurer's steadfast dedication to her calling had made her a valuable friend and ally. Now she was gone.

Hermes looked out the window, gazing up at the clear blue sky. "Asfi is...was a very special person to me. I will not forget what she did for us, Nine Hell. Nor will I forget the sacrifices of your comrades."

Riveria tightened her grip on the Talaria, her hands trembling as tears threatened to spill from her eyes.

"I'm not one to get emotional, Lord Hermes, but that boy has changed me. I've started to feel again, to let my guard down. After all the losses we've suffered, this new generation is giving us hope for the future. I feel so privileged to have known such a wonderful child."

"How do you feel about Bell now, Nine Hell? After everything that's happened?"

"I don't dislike him, if that's what you mean." Riveria spoke with conviction in her voice, her golden eyes filled with resolve. "If anything, I feel more respect for him now than ever before."

"Is that so?" Hermes turned his gaze away from the window, locking eyes with the high elf.

"The boy has proven himself worthy of my respect," Riveria said, her voice thick with emotion. "And if the prophecy is true, then he will be the one to save us all."

"Is that it? Do you simply respect him now?" Hermes asked gently, his eyes narrowing as he searched Riveria's face.

"I won't deny it is far more than respect," Riveria confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "My heart races whenever I see him."

Hermes nodded in understanding, his expression filled with compassion. "I see. Well, I can certainly understand how you feel."

Riveria looked up at Hermes, her eyes filled with anguish.

"I've had many suitors in my time, but none ever interested me. He is different, Lord Hermes. He is special."

"Indeed, he is," Hermes agreed. "Indeed he is. He's had a profound effect on you hasn't he? Just like the Sword Princess. I've heard quite a lot about you two recently."

Riveria was startled at the mention of Aiz. "Aiz...she feels the same way about him, doesn't she?"

"If the rumours are to be believed," Hermes said with a shrug.

Danmachi: My Adventure With a High Fairy Queen, Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now