Zatrona, Princess of the Vespyads

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Riveria's eyes widened as Raul burst into the room, his face flushed with exertion. "Lady Riveria, I bring urgent news. Tione Hiryute has gone missing. She was last seen heading towards the dungeon, alone."

Riveria rose swiftly from her chair, her expression grave. "I see. Thank you for informing me, Raul."

The young man nodded and hurried out of the room, leaving Riveria to ponder the implications of this development.

The room fell silent, the weight of the revelation settling over them like a suffocating blanket. Tiona, Tione's twin sister, lowered her head, her eyes filled with sadness and worry.

"We have to go after her! We can't just let her run off on some suicide mission!" She said.

Riveria raised a hand, silencing the young Amazonian woman. "It's not that simple, Tiona. If we rush in without a plan, we could put Tione and Finn in even more danger."

Gareth furrowed his brow, his voice rumbling like thunder. "Aye, there's a lot we don't know about Medusa and her forces. We cannae make any rash decisions."

Beside Gareth, Bete smirked, crossing his arms as he leaned back against the wall. "Let the stupid bitch get herself killed. What's it to us if she wants to throw away her life on a pointless quest for revenge? That's what Amazons do best, after all.

Tiona glared at Bete, her eyes blazing with rage. "How can you be so heartless? Tione is our comrade, our friend! We can't just abandon her!"

Riveria's expression softened as she observed Tiona's passionate response. Riveria's gaze hardened as she met Bete's eyes. "Be silent, Bete, you belligerent fool. We have no time to waste on petty squabbles. We must act quickly if we are to have any chance of rescuing both Tione and Finn."

Riveria closed her eyes, her heart heavy with the knowledge of Tione's deep love for Finn. She had seen the way the Amazon looked at him, the way her eyes sparkled whenever he was near. It was a love that burned bright and fierce, a love that would drive her to do anything to protect him.

Aiz nodded, her hand already reaching for her sword. "I'm with Tiona. We can't just sit here while Tione and Finn are in danger."

Tiona's face lit up with hope as she turned to Riveria, her eyes pleading.

Riveria looked at each of them in turn, her heart swelling with pride at their bravery and loyalty. She knew that they were walking into a trap, that Medusa would stop at nothing to destroy them all. But she also knew that they had no choice. They had to save their friends, no matter the cost.

"Very well," she said, her voice steady and clear. "We'll go together. But we must be careful. Medusa is cunning and ruthless. She'll use every trick in her arsenal to try and break us."

As the adventurers prepared to head out into the night, Lefiya caught Aiz's arm, her eyes filled with concern. "Aiz-san... be careful, alright?"

Aiz nodded, her expression unreadable. "I will. You too, Lefiya."

Lefiya's eyes shone with determination as she released Aiz's arm. "I promise I won't let you down."

With one last look at her friends, Aiz led the way towards the dungeon, her heart racing with anticipation and dread. She knew that they were facing a formidable foe, one that could destroy them all if they were not careful. But she also knew that they were more powerful united than they were apart, and together they would defy the darkness, no matter what the cost.

As they departed for the dungeon, two figures looked on, watching them intently. One of the pair was Asfi Al Andromeda, the Perseus, the other was an unknown female figure cloaked in robes.

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