The Deadly Temptress

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Warning: some spoilers for volume 18 of the Light Novel!

Medusa walked through the bustling streets of Orario, her eyes scanning the crowd for her target. She had taken on the guise of a beautiful young woman, with long, flowing hair and piercing green eyes. Her dress clung to her curves, accentuating her figure in all the right places.

She spotted him then, the boy with the white hair and the innocent face. Bell Cranel. He was walking with his familia, laughing and joking as they made their way through the market, including his goddess, Hestia, who was already back on her feet, and seemingly back to her old self and was in good spirits.

Medusa was amazed by the goddess' resilience. After all, the mortal shell she now occupied had barely survived the ordeal.

Medusa smiled to herself, a predatory gleam in her eye. She moved through the crowd with ease, her steps graceful and purposeful. As she drew closer to Bell, she stumbled, falling forward as if she had tripped.

Bell reacted instantly, catching her in his arms before she could hit the ground. "Are you alright, miss?" he asked, his voice filled with concern.

Medusa looked up at him, her eyes wide and innocent. "Yes, all thanks to you," she breathed, her voice soft and sultry. "I shall give you a very special reward."

Bell blushed, his cheeks turning a bright red. "Uh, that's not necessary, miss..." he stammered, helping her to her feet, but Medusa was already leaning forward, her lips brushing against his ear.

"It is no trouble," she whispered, her hand sliding down his chest. "Please, allow me to treat you to a drink, it's on me," she said, her voice low and inviting. "And then I'll make a man out of you."

"Bell-kun, get away from that vamp!" Hestia shouted at Bell's ear, tuguring on his shirt. The white hair boy snapped back to reality and stared at the seductive woman with the green eyes and the most tantalizing body he had ever seen.

"Master Bell, I can't believe you," Lily said in an injured tone. "I take my eyes of you for just a moment, and you're already all over a green-eyed seductress!"

"I'm injured, Bell-kun, I'm the only girl you should be paying attention to!" Hestia complained, tugging at Bell's shirt harder. "You promised me a date when I was well enough!"

"No, Master Bell promised a date with me!"

"My, aren't you popular with the ladies!" Medusa said. "Looks like I have some heavy lifting to do." She flashed Bell a brilliant smile, and before he knew what was happening, she had captured his lips with her own.

Bell gasped, his eyes widening in shock as he felt her lips against his. Her kiss was hot and passionate, igniting a fire deep within him. She slipped her tongue into his mouth, tasting him, exploring him, before breaking the kiss with a mischievous wink.

"Don't worry, Bell, I won't bite...until you want me to."

Bell stared at her, dumbstruck, unable to form a coherent response. He could still taste her on his lips, feel her tongue in his mouth, and it sent a shiver of anticipation through him.

Hestia and Lily could not believe their eyes.

"Is she...kissing him?!" Hestia yelped, her voice a mixture of disbelief and outrage. "WHAT. THE. HEEEEEEEEEELL!!!!"

"This is the worst day of my life!" Lily exclaimed. "Master Bell, you lech!"

"Oh no, I've done it now, haven't I?" Medusa chuckled. "We better make an exit. Come along, Bell, this snake won't let go of her rabbit prey that easily."

She took his hand in hers, her touch sending a jolt of electricity through him. She led him away from his familia, deeper into the crowded streets of Orario, leaving Hestia and Lily fuming in their wake.

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