Fell Swarm

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Although there was no light of dawn in the Dungeon, Bell's internal body clock stirred him from his slumber, his eyes fluttering open to take in the stillness of the camp around him. For a moment, he simply lay there, listening to the soft breathing of his companions and the distant drops of water falling into larger bodies of water.

Slowly, he sat up, his gaze drifting instinctively to where Riveria lay, her face peaceful in sleep. He felt a sudden rush of affection for the high elf, a warmth that spread through his chest like a gentle flame.

Careful not to disturb the others, Bell rose to his feet and made his way over to where Riveria slept. He knelt beside her, studying the delicate lines of her face, her pointed ears peeking out from beneath her long jade hair. She looked so tranquil, so innocent and so vulnerable. Bell wanted to reach out and run his hand through her beautiful evergreen hair.

"Riveria-sama," he whispered, his voice soft and tender. "You're so beautiful."

Riveria's eyes fluttered open, and for a moment, she simply stared up at him, a sleepy smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Good morning," she murmured, her voice husky with sleep. She let out a large yawn and stretched her dainty arms, giving her an uncharacteristically cute appearance.

Bell felt his heart skip a beat at the sound of her voice, at the way she looked at him with such open affection. "Riveria-sama, you're so cute when you're asleep."

Riveria couldn't help but smile. "Is that so?" she asked playfully. "And here I was thinking that I might be old enough to be your grandmother."

Bell shook his head, a slight flush tinting his cheeks.

"You look like a young elvish maiden from a fairy tale, an ageless beauty."

Riveria sat up slowly, her eyes never leaving Bell's face.

"Such a sweet boy," she whispered, leaning in close and placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. "You're very good at saying such charming things, you know that?

"Eeeeeep!" Bell squeaked as he was flustered by Riveria's words. "W-w-w-why do you say such embarrassing things Riveria-sama? I'm not that good at it!"

"Why, because I like it," Riveria answered.

Bell felt a lump form in his throat at her words, at the raw honesty in her voice. "Riveria," he whispered, his hand finding hers and squeezing gently. "I...I don't know what to say."

Riveria smiled at him, her eyes soft and warm. "You don't have to say anything," she said, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to his forehead. "Just knowing how you feel is enough for me."

Bell closed his eyes, savoring the feeling of Riveria's lips against his skin, the warmth of her hand in his. He felt like he was on fire, like his entire body was glowing with an inner light.

And then, the tranquil atmosphere was suddenly shattered without warning...

"Bell Cranel!!! What do you think you're doing?!!!"


Bell yelped as he was unceremoniously pulled away from Riveria, the high elf looking slightly disgruntled.

"What are you doing?!! You pervert! You fiend!" Lefiya shouted. "How dare you take advantage of Riveria-sama in such a way?!!"

"Lefiya, be silent," Riveria said calmly, even though she was obviously flustered.

"No! I won't be quiet!" Lefiya insisted. "This...this...this..."

"Lefiya Viridis! I said to be quiet!" Riveria snapped, her voice filled with a note of command.

Danmachi: My Adventure With a High Fairy Queen, Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now