Bell-kun's Fairy Makeover

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Riveria regarded Bell with a stern, unyielding expression, her demeanor all business. "There's going to be some changes around here, whether you like it or not."

Bell blinked, a bit taken aback by Riveria's abrupt declaration. "A-Alright, i-i-if you say so."

"Specifically about your appearance, Bell Cranel," she stated flatly, devoid of amusement. "Everybody knows who you are, and that puts you in mortal danger. It's time for a disguise. A thorough one."

"A disguise? What sort of disguise are we talking about here?" Bell asked nervously. He could only imagine the embarrassment and discomfort he'd endure in order to sneak around undercover.

"It's quite simple, actually," Riveria replied curtly, grabbing his wrist with a firmness that brooked no argument. "You're getting cleaned up and altered. Now."

Bell swallowed thickly, his pulse quickening as Riveria dragged him through the doorway into her spacious chamber. His eyes darted about anxiously, taking in the array of alchemy supplies and tomes scattered haphazardly across her desk.

"W-Wait, what exactly are you planning to do to me?"

Riveria wheeled around, fixing him with a penetrating stare that had him backing up several steps. "Stay still," she commanded sharply as Bell tried to wriggle away. "I'll make this as quick and painless as possible."

Bell resigned himself to silence, watching her stern reflection as she worked. She carefully unscrewed the cork on a clay jug, pouring its contents onto a wide-toothed comb. As Riveria approached, the aroma of orange blossoms and honeysuckle assaulted his nostrils.

"Let's begin with your hair, shall we?" Riveria explained, placing her hand atop his head. "Your hair stands out like a sore thumb. Fear not, for I have had plenty of practice with Aiz. Good grief, your hair is matted!"

Bell remained frozen as Riveria began running her fingers through his unruly white locks. She applied a generous amount of the woodsy-scented oil to his scalp, working it into his roots with expert care. It felt good; Bell couldn't deny that, as much as he tried not to enjoy being pampered. The way Riveria massaged his temples and the back of his neck with her skilled fingers was almost too much to handle.

Riveria seemed pleased at his compliance. "Good boy. Now, just relax for me."

Bell blushed in embarrassment at her choice of words, but bit his tongue as Riveria grabbed a fistful of his hair and began tugging, not too hard, but enough to make him yelp.

"I'm sorry! Just trying to get rid of those pesky tangles," Riveria explained apologetically as Bell squirmed in discomfort.

"O-Oh, okay. Sorry I'm not, um, exactly used to this?"

"Stay still. I can't fix this mess if you squirm."

Riveria moved around in front of him, leaning forward to examine his face from a few inches away. Her emerald eyes were so intense, Bell couldn't help but lower his gaze, his cheeks heating up under her scrutiny. He jumped in surprise as her fingers suddenly brushed across his forehead, brushing back the strands of white bangs hanging low over his eyes.

When she finally stepped back, her eyes critically scanning her handiwork, she gave a single, curt nod. "Not bad, if I do say so myself," she acknowledged grudgingly. "But we've got much more work to do."

Riveria sat him down on a small stool by the vanity, draping a damp towel around his neck. Bell felt the flush creeping up his face again as she knelt behind him, gently tilting his chin back so that he was looking into the mirror.

"Look at your reflection, Bell Cranel," Riveria told him sternly, meeting his eyes in the mirror. "You clean up rather nicely."

Bell inspected himself in the mirror, struck by the stark transformation.

Danmachi: My Adventure With a High Fairy Queen, Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now