United in Life and Death

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Bell Cranel writhed and wriggled in his sleeping bag, incapable of overcoming his persistent trepidation for his allies Liliruca and Haruhime. They had suffered severe wounds from the menacing Gorgoneions, creatures with the visage of Medusa and the limbs of a spider. Abandoning them was a difficult choice, but he had faith in Aisha and Amid to tend to their needs. Mikoto had likewise opted to remain with her companion Haruhime and keep vigil.

The group had established camp at a place recommended by Riveria

"This is one of the closest places to the pantry," she had said, adding that it was a more comfortable camping ground than the labyrinth because of the presence of a source of fresh water. "Even if an Irregular, or worse, Medusa's underlings, appears, we will have an easy escape route."

But the comfort and calm of the campsite were not enough to overcome Bell's worries for his companions, so he could only toss an turn. He looked to Riveria Ljos Alf for reassurance, the renowned Nine Hell and commander of their party, slumbering serenely beside him. Bell's gaze was captivated by her startling grace and exquisite beauty. Even in sleep, the high elf's jade hair radiated a halo of emerald lustre around her, the form of her ample breasts and dainty shoulders beneath her undershirt clearly visible. Her verdant evergreen tresses were unbound, pooling over her sleeping mat, and her countenance radiated an ethereal elegance and celestial sophistication.

"Bell... Cranel...." she murmured in her sleep.

"!!" Bell twitched, his body shivering in surprise.

He gulped as he leaned in closer to try to hear what she was saying.

"Bell Cranel... you mustn't... tempt me... an elf cannot behave in this shameless fashion..."

"?!" Bell's eyes widened.

"J-just this once is... fine..." she whispered in a sultry voice.


Riveria's body snuggled against Bell, bringing him close to her chest.

"Bell...! "...A-ah...!""

"...T-that's too much!"

Bell felt the heat rush to his cheeks. He was so flustered he didn't know where to look, but he couldn't help but become entranced by Riveria's bewitching sleeping face.

"Riveria-sama.... please let me go..."

"Bell Cranel.... don't go.... I'm sorry... I'm sorry I didn't look after you..."

"...Uuuugh... Riveria-sama... It's fine, just..."


Bell attempted to free himself from her embrace but her grip on him was much stronger than he expected. It was obviously futile to resist Riveria's loving, mothering embrace, so he tried a different approach: he wrapped his arms around her lithe, elegant body and held her tight.


Riveria's voluptuous breasts, covered only by a thin undershirt and sports bra, squeezed tightly against Bell's chest. He could feel the softness of her full breasts, along with her delicate frame. She ran her fingers through Bell's silver-white hair, and lightly kissed the nape of his neck.

"Riveria-sama has such beautiful breasts," Bell sighed contentedly. "And they're so big. Wait - w-what did I just say? I'm turning into Grandpa! I'm sorry, Riveria-sama, I'm sooooooooo sorry!!!!"

"Bell Cranel... your lovely white hair... is all matted... honestly, you're hopeless... let me comb it..."

"Ehhhh? I'm hopeless...?" Bell whimpered as he clung to her, breathing in the scent of her body.

Danmachi: My Adventure With a High Fairy Queen, Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now