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A week passed by since the night Andrew got Lexi a drink and they had not seen each other since then. A lot had happened since then, especially in Lexi's life.

It was finally TikTok Monday and the Amp Squad was going to gather at Brent's house (The Amp House) to shoot videos and some TikTok's together. Chaos ensued in the house. Everyone chatted and joked about, laughed over the stupidest jokes. Everyone except Lexi. She sat quietly in a corner and was engrossed in her thoughts. She looked disturbed and wasn't even paying attention to her surrounding chaos. She came back to her senses when she heard the front door open. She immediately recognized the person who entered because of the perfume. The perfume was very familiar. 

It was Andrew's and he wore it everywhere. He was late as always. He acknowledged Lexi and took her to the rest of the squad. Lexi quietly sat with the rest of the group without uttering a word throughout. All the while, Andrew could not take his eyes off Lexi this time not because she was looking pretty, but because of how lost she looked. He tried talking to her but everytime he started the conversation, she only answered in a word or two.

Andrew: Lexi do you wanna film a TikTok with me? I have saved this TikTok which we could use as inspo.

Lexi: Sure.

Andrew (Showing the inspo to her):  You could twirl around before I lift you up towards the end. Then before it ends we could like blow out a kiss to the camera or something like that. 

Lexi (Barely listening): Hmm.

Andrew (Trying to get her to pay attention): And then we could eat Sushi Ice-cream with raw onion to top it off. What do you think?

Lexi: Okay yeah.

Andrew: And we could then- 

Lexi: Wait, what did you say?

Andrew (In a comforting voice): Lexi, what's wrong? Are you feeling okay? You can tell me if you want. 

Lexi thinks for a while and with slight hesitation says,

Lexi: Andrew will you come over to my house today evening? I want to tell you something important.

Andrew: Lexi if you wanna share something with me you can tell me now too. I'm here and listening to what you-

Lexi: In personal please.

Andrew: Okay Lexi don't worry I'll be there by 6.


Lexi goes home early that day only to mentally prepare herself for what she was going to tell Andrew. She was very anxious when it was almost 6. 

Lexi (Panicked): Calm down Lexi, you've thought much about it, you'll be fine. Besides, it's only Andrew right? It's only Andrew. 

She paced around the house, constantly breathing in through her nose and out through her mouth. No amount of breathing in and out could help her anymore. She sweated even in the cold climate around her. She was thinking of all the possible reactions Andrew could have on hearing what she had to tell him.

Andrew on the other hand could not wait to get to Lexi's house because he thought maybe what Lexi was about to say would explain her unexpected behaviour that he had been observing since that morning. He was as nervous to hear what she wanted to share as Lexi was to share with him.

But no one had expected what she was going to tell him, not even you readers :)

Andrew, unlike himself had reached Lexi's house early, fifteen minutes prior to 6. For those fifteen minutes, he paced outside her house, waiting for the hour hand on his Rolex to strike 6. When it was finally 6' o clock, Andrew anxiously adjusted his Louis Vuitton coat, stood at Lexi's doorstep and rung her doorbell. Lexi opened the door, told him to hang his coat on the door and led him to the sitting area.


Both of them settled down facing each other. An awkward silence persisted in the room which was very unusual of them. Finally, Andrew spoke:

Andrew: Lexi are your parents home?

Lexi: No, they've gone out on some work related trip.

Andrew: Okay cool. Also, you were gonna tell me some-

Lexi: Yeah about that. You know what Andrew, I'm just going to say it. I know you've liked me for a long time now and- and it's about time I tell you that I don't feel the same for you. Infact, I don't think we can even be friends at this point. When I'm around you, I feel nothing but insecure and unsafe. I feel uncomfortable even with the thought of you. It's just that I could not get myself to tell this to you since like forever and now that I've finally gathered all the courage, I want to tell you to stay away and when you talk to me, let it be ONLY for work purposes. I've hated you all my life Andrew. Just- STAY AWAY. 

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