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Suddenly, Andrew breaks the hug. Hangover had started to hit him real bad. He held his forehead tightly as his headache started to worsen.

Lexi makes him sit on the bed, his back resting against the backrest of the bed and gives him the glass of lemonade and tablet that the doctor had prescribed for the hangover.
She gently massages his forehead with her soft hands, giving him instant relief. Her touch was enough to cure him of anything at all.

Lexi: Come on now, Andrew. Quickly finish your breakfast.

Andrew: Lexi, did you have your breakfast?

Lexi: Less talking, more eating!!

Lexi was about to feed another spoon when Andrew takes the spoonful of oatmeal from her hand and feeds her.

Andrew: You need to have energy yourself to take care of me. And I feel much better now that you're here, Lexi. You've taken care of me since yesterday. Now it's my turn to look after you forever.

Lexi: Andrew, trust me I'm not hungry.

Andrew: I don't care if you're hungry or not. If you want to get better quickly, you've gotta eat loads. Because only after you eat, you're gonna be able to take your medicines. And I'm gonna make sure that you don't miss a single meal from now on. No tantrums will be entertained! So chop-chop, 'less talking, more eating'!!

Lexi slowly chews the oatmeal and smiles at Andrew who smiles back, flaunting his dimples.

Lexi: Andrew?

Andrew: Yeah love?

Lexi: Yesterday when you were sleeping because of the fever, Mrs. Davila had called to check on you. I picked it up and had to lie to her that we were tired after a party and that's why I was staying over. She was concerned about the fact that you were sleeping and she's told you to call her up today.

Andrew: Did she ask you many questions? She worries so much sometimes.

Lexi: Nope. She's such a sweet lady to talk to. And she told me that she knows me already because you talk to her about me all the time.

Andrew: I do talk to her about you. I tell her about how special you are for me. Moreover, she herself takes a lot of interest in listening to stories about you.

Lexi and Andrew share the bowl of oatmeal along with a little conversation and make the most out of it. They create a sweet memory together that they'll cherish for the rest of their lives.


Danny wakes up a few hours later and sees the bowl of oatmeal kept on the table beside the bed. He quickly freshens up, eats his breakfast and heads towards the kitchen to keep his used utensils in the sink. As he passes by the living room after keeping his used utensils, he finds Andrew and Lexi, talking.

Danny: Andrew how are you feeling?

Andrew: I'm okay now. Lexi gave me a glass of lemonade and some tablet to help with the hangover. She even made breakfast.

Danny: Yeah I just finished eating mine. Thank you Lexi!

Lexi acknowledges his gratitude with a sweet smile.
Just then, they hear the doorbell ring.

Lexi: I'll be right back.

Danny: Whoa whoa whoa! Where are you going?

Lexi: To open the door.

Danny: Lexi, don't go alone to open the door. I'll come with you.

Both Danny and Lexi approach the door. Lexi opens the door while Danny stands by. She gets surprised on seeing Brent and Pierson waiting at the doorstep.

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