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By the time it was dawn, Lexi was too tired to stay awake anymore. In the same sitting position, she rested her head on the headrest of the chair and dozed off.

2 hours later, she feels Andrew calling her name in distress and gets up, totally startled. Seeing Andrew still fast asleep, she gives out a huge sigh of relief. She touches his forehead and cheek gently and is relieved to know that his fever has subsided. She kisses his forehead and quickly wipes away a lone tear that was about to fall from her eye.

She goes into the kitchen, ties her hair up into a bun and starts to prepare breakfast for both Andrew and Danny. She prepares a glass of lemonade and two bowls of oatmeal, places all of it on a tray and delivers one bowl to Danny who was still asleep in the guest room and heads towards Andrew's room.

She enters Andrew's room with the tray, engrossed in her thoughts and sees Andrew slowly opening his eyes, observing his surroundings.  She quickly goes beside him. He looks at her with confused eyes, as if he were asking her for a reason for her unreasonable behaviour.

Lexi: Are you feeling okay now?

Andrew just nods his head, saying yes.
Lexi sits in the chair, grabs a spoonful of oatmeal and feeds Andrew.

Suddenly, Andrew coughs a little. Lexi hands over the glass of water placed on the side drawer to him. He snatches the glass from her and pushes her hand away. After gulping down a little water, he keeps the glass on the side table. Suddenly, he notices some pills kept on the table and grabs them. Lexi tries to grab the strip of pills from his hand but he doesn't budge. He checks the pills for the name and is left shocked.

Andrew: Wanna explain now at least, Lexi? Why are you taking Anti-Stress pills? How long has it been since you've been consuming these ?

Lexi takes his hand in her hand and tries to muster some courage to speak.

Lexi: Andrew, I don't think I can lie to you anymore. I do have an explanation for everything. But promise me that you won't react immediately.

Andrew: Promise.

Lexi: The night you came to give me the drink, do you remember that I was hella tired?

Andrew: Hmm?

Lexi: That tiredness continued for that whole week and turned into terrible body aches, headaches and what not. Then I decided that it would be wise to consult a doctor about this. I visited the hospital and took a blood test. I got the reports on the day before yesterday. The doctor examined the reports and gave me these pills to help me cope better with stress because too much of stress could worsen my health.

Andrew: What has happened to you? What does the report say? What did the doctor say? What do you mean by 'worsen', Lexi?

Lexi ( Trying to change the topic): You have to forget me Andrew. You should get over me.

Andrew slowly gets up from his bed with Lexi's support and stands up. Lexi too stands up and faces him, his hand still in her hand.

Andrew: What are you even saying? Forget you ? Why- why should I forget you?

Lexi: We don't have a future together. Move on Andrew.

Andrew: Why move on, Lexi? I won't move on.


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