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Danny reaches at Lexi's at around 10pm. By the time he had reached, Lexi was anxiously pacing in her frontyard. She quickly hops in Danny's car and they drive off, in a desperate search for Andrew.

They search around the whole town looking for him or his car, but their efforts went in vain.


Lexi: Danny we've turned the town inside out but he's nowhere. My brain has stopped working now.

Danny helplessly looks at Lexi, who seems to be on the verge of a mental breakdown. He keeps driving quietly, unable to understand what to do to comfort her.
After driving for almost an hour, they reach
at the outskirts of the city. Lexi suddenly spots a car, which she quickly recognised as Andrew's. She points the car out to Danny.

Lexi: Stop the car! Stop the car! That's Andrew's Mercedes!

Danny stops the car roughly. He quickly parks the car beside Andrew's car, which was parked outside a bar. Both of them rush into the bar.
With hopeful eyes, Lexi searches every table, hoping to see no one but her love.
Both Danny and her are shocked to see Andrew, who didn't seem sober at all. An empty bottle of hard liquor was on the table and he had most probably already had a couple of vodka shots. He was sitting at a table alone with yet another shot in hand ready for him to gulp down, tears streaming down his perfectly chiseled face. His lips chanted only one name-Lexi. His bloodshot eyes were enough to understand how much he had been crying while simultaneously gulping down alcohol.

Looking at his devastated state, Lexi couldn't control her tears anymore. While Danny snatched the vodka shot from Andrew's hand and tried to cut him off, Lexi just stood there blankly.


Danny: Andrew we're going home. Come on get up quick.

He carefully picks Andrew from his seat by grabbing his arms and snaps his fingers in front of Lexi's face, who just stared at Andrew all this time. Danny grabs the keys of Andrew's car from Andrew's pocket and hands it over to one of the waiters at the bar, giving him a few bucks along with the address to drop off the car.

In Danny's car, Danny places Andrew in the backseat while Lexi sits in the backseat with him. Danny drives back to Andrew's apartment. Andrew was losing his balance every now and then during the car ride and wasn't able to sit up straight. Lexi sees this and gently rests his head on her lap.

Andrew( In a drunken voice ) : Lexi? Lexi why? Why are you doing this? I cannot bear this pain anymore. Why do you give me these mixed signals every now and then? You've changed Lexi. You've literally changed. You would never hurt me this bad but now look at you Lexi. LOOK AT YOU. You've broken me completely.

Lexi ( Caressing his hair ): Andrew why did you drink so much? You're never this drunk. Like never ever. You can't wait for me, love. God has other plans. You have to move on without me. That's the truth. That's what's meant to be. You and me going our different paths. We don't belong with each other.

Andrew ( Drunk ) : This is so easy for you to say Lexi. You're so selfish. All you've ever thought of is yourself. That's what's the truth. And on top of that, you don't want to tell me the reason why you're so mean to me. You're hiding something Lexi. You're hiding something from me? Do I mean nothing to you? Am I a joke? Why do you give me this silent treatment, Lexi? It hurts Lexi, I'm not even kidding. It literally hurts. Even alcohol cannot reduce my pain anymore. First you tell me you don't want to see my face ever and- and the next thing you do is come to search for me although I did try to do my best to stay away from you. Tell me. I need an answer Lexi!

Danny: Andrew don't say that to her. Mind your freaking language man. She's been worried for you all evening. She cares a lot for you. You're misjudg-

Lexi: No Danny wait. Let him speak. How long is he going to hold everything in? I deserve it.

Lexi's POV~

Andrew, although I've been hiding something from you, you think I like lying to you? Not at all. You think I liked hurting you? No Andrew. I feel so bad for my behaviour. But I can't tell you anything yet. Please forgive me, Andrew.

Andrew ( Drunk ) : Then tell me Lexi. Tell me, what are you hiding from me? Tell me why you stomped on my heart and treated me like an option. Are you really uncomfortable with me? Am I that bad Lexi? Have I done such a bad thing to you that I'm incapable of your forgiveness?

Lexi: You're not in the state to understand anything I say right now, Andrew. For now, all you need to understand is that I'm only here to help Danny take care of you. That's all.

Andrew stayed silent. He was too tired to speak anything at all. He just laid his head on Lexi's lap and dozed off quickly.

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