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Every single word that Lexi uttered in those few seconds felt equivalent to her stabbing him right in his heart not once, not twice, but multiple times. But it is said that sometimes in love, you've got to take an arrow to the heart and he'd happily take thousands of arrows, only for her.

He wasn't even upset about Lexi talking bad about him. What hurt him the most was when Lexi told him that she felt uncomfortable around him. He was upset with himself that he failed to create a safe space for her, and failed to keep his best friend with him forever. These thoughts disturbed him to such an extent that all he could do was try his best to hide his tears which filled his eyes to the brim.

Andrew (almost breaking down): Lexi is that why you looked troubled this whole day? Was that because of me? Lexi please tell me, what did I do that-

Lexi: Andrew please I don't wanna talk about it. I don't wanna see you anymore Andrew please just- just GO PLEASE I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE PLEASE.

Andrew (Dejected): Lexi, I never want to be the reason for you getting upset. I can't see you sad. I just wanted to know the reason why you're so upset. But if you don't want me here or anywhere around you then fine. I'm going to go as far away from you as possible. I'll try to never show my face to you ever again.

Saying this, he gets up from his seat, grabs his coat and quickly sprints towards his car and drives off, leaving behind a shattered Lexi.

Andrew totally broke down as he drove away. Tears flowed down his eyes and he let all his emotions out. Lexi's words kept ringing in his head continuously. 'STAY AWAY' is what echoed in his mind. Was he that bad of a friend to Lexi? Did he do something wrong to her? He knew for a fact that he had never talked crap about her. Not in front of her, never behind her back. He couldn't even think about doing so in his dreams, let alone in reality.
He thought he was going insane. He felt that the gloomy weather was grieving along with him. Unable to bear it anymore, he took his phone out, switched it off and threw it in the backseat of his car and kept driving along with the road.

Lexi, on the other hand, runs up to her bedroom, grabs some pill and water with shaking hands and chugs down the pill along with a few sips of water. She sits down on her bed and then proceeds to pull out a photo of Andrew from the side drawer beside her bed. Tightly embracing his photo, she rests her head on her pillow and cries her heart out. Her heart pained so much that it was unexplainable. She could not tell anyone what she was going through and had to suffer everything on her own. She had hurt her best friend, her love, the person with whom she shared every detail of her life, but she couldn't tell him anything now and she felt bad doing so but she had to do it. She was compelled to do it for his sake.

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