2.Fatherly figure

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We were just done with our weight training for today when all our phones chimed at the same time. which means Max was live, which means something must have happened on the art campus. It was Friday which meant this time was for their final project work. Which means Maddy was with Max right now. Now to elaborate or so Maddy and Brandon are dating. steady for years now. Brandon is our first-year star player. offensive player to be exact. Our team focuses on defence. We are known for it but Brandon's scores have improved our rankings. And thus he gets princess treatment from us. but we were also attached to Maddy after a year of spending time with her. She was a homie or so to say. And she was fragile, mentally. When we got to the art room we saw her standing there in the middle of the room hyperventilating and trying to rip out her hair. This was fury and we could SEE it was directed at Daisy. but something was off. How come the student representative was not stopping this, how come NO ONE was stopping this? We move towards Maddy and Brandon pickles her up. As we proceed to leave the room I spot a girl sitting there with a facial expression that would suggest she has been constipated for WEEKS, staring at Max and his phone. She was wearing a black hoodie and joggers and paired BLACK clothes with GREY headphones! Like Miss Girl just tried to kill fashion for me. As we moved forward I saw her sculpture and well I was shook. Consider me flabbergasted. It was SO depressing but at the same time it had some form of hope to it and it blew me away. I looked at her again trying to Convey my emotions and she just whipped her head back to her sculpture. I was confused. And then she proceeds to leave the room. I was like did I get in her zone or something? Should I say I'm sorry? Well, I didn't, that's for sure. I didn't even know her, I had never seen her in my two years at this school. It was like she was invisible. I put that thought aside after hearing Maddy sob. She told us Daisy had majorly plagiarised her work and it disturbed her beyond belief. Well, I would even be angry if someone stole what was mine. But here not only did Daisy COPY her work she just dismissed a full year's worth of work, blood, sweat and tears Maddy put into her sculpture. We calmed her down and took her to lunch. After a long day of drama, workout and other things I was dying to crash into bed. I searched for my keys in my pocket but they were gone. I searched the weight room, and the hallways and now only the art room was left. I walk towards the room and through the small glass slab attached to the door, I spot my keys on the floor. Rushing towards it I meet eyes with that scowl girl again. I decided to name her scowl girl cause she seems to do that a lot. Anyway, she was standing there with the same joggers but no hoodie. I repeat NO HOODIE. She was wearing a bralette with paint splatter all over it and SHE HAD BICEPS AS BIG AS OUR NEW JOINEES and she looked so pretty, I was shook again. Her headphones still on she looked at the keys and then at me and then proceeded to stare me up and down and then sighed in an annoyed way. How could she be so cute? Like dude where has she been? Oh, right, invisible, well she then ignored me, so I awkwardly left the room and went home. I lived in a villa slash bungalow near campus. It was a privilege given to the captain by the sponsor of our team. I lived here alone but on weekends all the team crashed here to party or discuss strategies or you know, just hang out. It was the hub. But today was Friday night and it was off season so I could sleep in tomorrow morning. This meant I could call over some pretty lady for the night. I have always tried to initiate relationships with the girls on campus but it seems all they want to do is get in my pants. This made me feel very... complicated. Unfortunately, when I reached home Brandon and Maddy were there. This meant I was now the captain and an older brother and was to console the love birds. Sometimes I hate being so popular.

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