4. Coffee and DRAMA.

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I don't like attention. As a child, I did everything for attention. Born in a household with a high-achieving mother, a gifted older brother and a pretty younger sister I was always forgotten. Dad too, was a workaholic and he was home rarely. if he had the choice to not marry and have kids he wouldn't have. I have yet to receive a call from my parents or siblings and it's been 5 years. 2 years of high school when I was in boarding school and now three years in college.

Well leaving familial trauma aside I am fucked. I am falling face down in shit on the ground before my job interview level fucked. Thomsons loves me like I am a daughter to him. it is not biased it is just how competent I am in this field and unlike my parents, he can see this. But he loves to make a show of me to encourage others. *eye-roll*

I took up this class cause I saw profs name but I forgot like a dumb person that he is a showoff. This class is a compulsory class for others, my batch mates, for example, but I took this class in my first and second year so I was exempt from the compulsion.

And to top it all up 'MY ALARM DIDN'T RING IN THE MORNING AND NOW I AM LATE SO I RAN' book situation has taken place. I even had to feed Garfield his medicines since he is scheduled for a regular check-up and deworming. Garfield doesn't like the vet and has a nasty habit of forcefully puking out his deworming tablets. So I have to hand feed the tablet and a relaxant to him. I have to crush the pill, add it to one of his creamy treats, and feed it to him.

so now I am fashionably late and everyone sees me. Prof SAVED me a seat, a seat in the front row. Can you believe this? I cannot. As I walked into the class, panting from running, I saw the professor gesture toward my empty seat. I begrudgingly walked up to the seat and heard a few snickers from my classmates. They knew. They all knew.

And to top it all off, Glen is in my class. This creep has been following me the whole summer vacation. I can't even forget the gym, art room, cafeteria, and now MY CLASSES. I can't with him right now! This is going to be a bad year. I can feel it.

Last year Daisy and Maddy were part of a major scandal that gave Daisy many demerits resulting in her repeating the year and Maddy having to do community service. Daisy had painted the sculpture that Maddy had envisioned AND was in the process of completing it. It was a sculpture about victim-blaming and feminism, a woman resembling Lady Liberty but had more hands each with a different weapon. Maddy had taken inspiration from Hinduism and the goddess Kali, who is the embodiment of karma. Daisy had quite literally drawn and painted that and made a mockery of Maddy's efforts. I knew I never liked her. She seemed like a snake. But unfortunately a few of her 'minions' still ended up being promoted and hence are here as my batchmates.

The class gets over and the syllabus this sem is relatively easy to cope with. I pick up my books and leave for the cafe on campus. I didn't have my coffee this morning and I feel like I can vomit a stream of the most vulgar swears to proff. Before I plummet my wallflowerness further I need a coffee.

Caffeine, my love, ahh how I am willing to die and be loud for you. I will sacrifice anything for you. You are my god. I will worship you, and spend all my income on you. I will be poor for you. I ordered a two-shot americano, iced. With creamer on the side and went to a quiet corner. I sat there and finished my coffee and felt bliss. Like I said caffeine, my god.

imagine getting lost in a desert and then finding an oasis. you think it's an illusion but it's real!! and you quench your thirst after so long. Imagine you have this one assignment pending for ages and the due date is approaching and BAM the perfect idea to complete it comes to your head. that is what coffee is to me. I could go on rambling about my love for coffee but I have some work to do.

I leave my seat to go and throw my coffee cup when I notice Daisy deliberately making big steps towards me with a cup in her hand and as always a group of minions follow her lead. I turn my shoulder trying to give her space to pass through and this girl purposely bumps into me pouring HOT coffee all over my right boob. THE GIRL JUST POURED HOT COFFEE ON MY RIGHT BOOB. shocked I stand there for a second to see the triumph smile creep up on her face. I snap.


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