9. First stay over

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She didn't know I was the captain? I was disappointed but, Maddy didn't tell her everything about me so I could tell her things!!

But she looks so good in my hoodie. Man, she is so cute. Too distracted by the fact that she is wearing my clothes I forgot to ask her about the burn.

She came and stood in my place. It felt like she was claiming superiority over me. Not that I mind.

I asked about her burn and she said "it is better than before, the redness is almost gone and I don't feel the sting as much. thanks"

she was standing leaning on the island and I had kept my ice cube tray there so I went to grab it and unconsciously, I was hardly ten centimetres away from her. My face was so close to hers face that I am sure she could see the tiny blush on my cheeks that has not let down since she sat in my car.

I hurriedly took the ice and added it to the cup of lemonade I had made for her. giving it to her I guided her to the living room. we sat on the sofa for a while without having any conversation and it was sooo awkward. when I started to fidget because I couldn't take it any longer she started to snicker and it was so out of the contest.

I asked her "What? why are you laughing?"

"it's because you can't sit in silence, i feel like I could torment you all day" she said.

I got up to retrieve my Coke Zero from the kitchen. I love regular cocacola but due to retrials for the captain's position and the upcoming match I had to stay in shape.

as I came back to the sofa welsy seemed to be lost in thought so I didn't say anything and just went and sat on the sofa adjacent to her. she seemed to snap out of whatever she was thinking about and chugged the lomenade i had made. i was just about to get up to take the glass from her but she got up herself and kept it in the sink.

all the woman i have been with never seemed to think about how i would feel or what all they could do for. but with welsy i feel i may have a chance to receive equal parts of what i give.

"glen can you do me one last favour for today? please, please, please?" she said

i smiled and nodded, i thought to myself it doesn't matter if she doesn't give back all that she receives from me, i just want to keep on giving.

"can you drop me to the studio, i had the most brilliant idea of my life and i think this could complete the project i want to submit for graduation!" she seemed soo exited that i jingled my car keys out of my pocket and titled my head towards the garage.

the ride BACK to campus was silent as she seemed to be typing a lot of stuff down on her phone. i think its about the sculpture but i am not sure. and while i was on the thought i asked her filled with fake confidence,

"do you mind giving me your number? u- umm for the hoodie! of- ofcoarse and for the class too, hehe, huh? heh" oh fuck shit mother goose hen how could i mess up soo badly. i want to die!!!!!

"sure, xxx09x3x10, write it down, that's my number. i am not online a lot and don't usually pick up so call me twice or thrice if its urgent. thank you soo so much for the ride and the clothes. i will give them back next week after a wash"


what should i save it as? Welsy? scowl? i don't know!!!!

as i was done for the day i went back to villa to see maddy and Brandon at the door with some subway. i guess maddy wanted to try out the new grilled sandwich menus that have come out.

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