12. Isolation

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It is dark, I am thirsty, what time is it? what day is it? Am I still at home? Let me get the curtains. But wait I missed this darkness. I missed its cold embrace. I can't see. I can't hear. I can't feel. This feels like home.

How did I think I could do anything in life? As if I could change in a matter of few years, which when added is not even a decade.

"How are you so use less, at least be as pretty as Celia. Look at how good she is doing in the film industry and you, I do not know how I gave birth to a child so wicked"

My head hurts, my throat is dry, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, WATER, WATER, WATER, WATER, WATER, WATER, WATER, WATER, WATER, WATER, WATER, WATER, WATER, WATER, WATER.

'CRASH' huh I think the bottle fell. Ouch, my leg hurts. why is it wet? Why is there a cut on my leg? Oh, the bottle broke. Oh, it was glass. I better clean this cut-up.

Why does it feel like home? why does the pain feel like HOME?! am I forgetting something?

Im thirsty. Water? Found it. Oh, I broke the bottle, better get a glass to drink. I am tired. Got water. Let me sleep a bit more.

"I curse this womb of mine that it bore such a faulty fruit. Your brother is already valedictorian and on his way to Harvard Business School, look at you, you can't do anything, you are ugly unlike your sister and dumb unlike your brother"

Yeah, I am pretty useless. Why did I try so hard, I ended up disappointing Thomsons too. I knew very well the sculpture wouldn't be good, it's best that it got destroyed. It would have been better if Father had completely crushed these cursed hands too that day.

*5 days ago*

Now that I have a complete overview of how I want my sculpture to be I should start making changes and the finishing touches. I enter the workshop and my jaw drops. My phone drops. My heart drops. Someone had destroyed my graduation piece. Graduation which is less than a year away and the sculpture which took me three years to make.

The wings were broken, it looked like someone had pulled at the chains and the wire which connected the chains to the wings seemed to be severed. The hand reaching out to the key was missing. I looked towards the ground and found a mess. I believe that pile of dried and crushed clay was the hand, frantically trying to grab the key. The hand made me remember the time when I was seven.

It was summer vacation and we had gone to our beach house/hotel in Maldives. We had a dog then, a husky, her name was Margoan. She was very playful and father had gotten her at an exponential price, thus he kept her close and took great care of her. Mother didn't like Margoan, my older brother, Adrian was allergic to her. She only ever had a soft spot for my sister and brother. It felt like she hated that I resembled my dad so much. I had black curly hair and black eyes just like my father's, whereas she and both my siblings had blond voluminous and wavy hair with emeralds mixed with brown eyes.

It was around eleven in the afternoon mother sister and father had gone to the lounge. Mother and Celia (short for Celestina) had gone to the spa for a relaxing massage and brother had taken margoan to the beachside to play. Father on his way back from the bar in the lounge spotted my brother and margoan and he made his way back to his room.

I knew Adrian could not handle margoan very well, so after noticing Father ignore them, I made my way to the beach. As I approached the beach margoan spotted me and started to run towards me, this made Adrian lose the grip he had on her leash. They were at the very edge of the beach and a huge wave came our way. Adrian lost his footing and was swept away by the wave. In fear of being blamed by Mother for any injury Adrian would receive, I told margoan to fetch him. Margoan successfully brought Adrian back but she wasn't breathing very well.

I was very confused and overwhelmed. The huge wave had caused quite a stir even among the other guests there. I was hyperventilating. In the midst of all this chaos, someone screamed,


And very harshly pulled my hand upward. I was mid-air as this person grasped my writs pulling me up. It had been quite some time since I heard my full name being called out. As I looked around I saw Mother crying as Adrian coughed out all the seawater he had inhaled. Celia was for some reason giving me the death glare. And last but not least, my father who had picked me up in a very merciless manner seemed extremely displeased with me.

As I was taking in the scene trying to understand what had happened, margoan started to bark and wag her tail at the site of my father I assumed. Father's expression lit up he let go of my hand and basically ran Margaon's way. I fell from out some height and all my body weight came on the very hand he had pulled my body up from.

The whole mess dissolved with the conclusion that I was at fault,

Adrian said "She took the dog to the beach and I couldn't trust her with my father's favourite child so I followed her. It's good that I knew she was up to no good as she sent the dog running towards the huge wave. I as heroic as I am decided to save the dog father. Father tell me didn't I do a good job."

I was put on probation and the reason Celia was angry with me was so very childish.

"Because of you! Because of a bitch who can even handle a single dog I had to leave my precious massage mid-way. Mother also, couldn't she wait until our massage was over? It is not like Adrian was going to die. This is why no one in our family loves u wench. You are ugly and a waste of space! Even Mother said so. It would be best if you died. I will be telling all the maids to serve you with the bare minimum."

Ahh, that story was quite something. As I was put on probation no one noticed the hand of a seven-year-old which was so swollen that it could pass for a ball. My entire wrist was blue and purple. In the end, I never received proper care for it and all the shattered bone pieces from my joint hindered the mobility of my hand.

"If you are not going to be of help to the family it would be best if u stopped appearing for any events too. That hand of yours is quite the embarrassment. Ask your mother for some concealer and learn to cover up that bruise." he said.

"My genes have failed me, how could I have helped produce such a useless child" he muttered as he walked out of the old storage room.

The whole room went black, and all the other sculptures in the workshop seemed to be mocking my piece. I could see Daisy's face,

"Haha no wonder u made this, it looks poor, just the same as you! Ahahaha"

Maddy looking at me with disgust,

"I can't believe I wanted to befriend you! Your utter lack of creativity seems to be so offputting!"

No no no no NO NO NO  this is not true its all in your head welsy, remember no one here knows you are Welsiandre MaRaou, the first daughter of the MaRou enterprises, the disappointment of the family, the child who lived like a ghost. No one here knows how u were deemed unlovable by  the same people who gave you your life.

" ok, welsy first course of action let's go home first, talk this out with Garfield and we will feel much better, yes Garfield."

Hey guyss its a long ride from here but the arc of welsy's trauma dump has begun!

Stay tuned for more
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