13. Choices

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*present day *

I had just realised how little I knew about welsy, how little everyone knew about welsy. Maddy, her classmate for THREE years, didn't know her number. I must applaud her, she did a damn good job keeping up her facade as a wallflower.

Her address, nope. Her friends, nope, she had none. Her usually hang-out spot outside the campus, nope.

I thought I knew everything about her. I was so blissfully unaware, so arrogant to consider her daily routine was perfectly printed in my memories. No all I knew about her was all that she would me know, let everyone else know. Her daily routine? It was only what she did on campus. I had no fucking clue what her life was all about!

'Tring trin- the number you are trying to call is currently switched off. Please try again later"

She is still not picking up my calls. It is Wednesday night right now. Tomorrow I will ask the admin for her address.

*next day *

"Can't you do this one favour for Ms Laura? Just this once! I promise I will give you free tickets to my next match!! Please please please!!!"

"No Glen as much as I would love the tickets, I could lose my job as the admin at college and that would make it impossible for me to pay tuition to college here. You know that. Plus why would u ask for Welsy's address? There are at least seven welsy's I could find in the database. Give me her surname or some other information too"

It's been a day since I have been trying to convince Laura to give me Welsy's address.

Friday today, it has been an entire week and I haven't heard from her OR about her once!

Ohh what can I do? What should I do?

"-len1 glen! GLEN!"

"YES yes, oh Maxwell! What are you doing here!"

"Nothing much! I heard that the selections for the captain are taking place soon, so I dropped by to see how my sponsor is doing. And it seems you are not doing that great child. You had promised me that you would do your best to be the captain throughout college. But here I see you wandering around campus, even dragging Brandon into this? U look like a scared cat! Or like a madman who has lost something!"

I felt like my floor was swiped off my feet. I began thinking 'What am I even doing? I can't seem to find welsy and it's been a week. And what about my team and my training? I need to get a grip!'

"Oh yeah I am sorry Maxwell, I was just a little lost right now. But don't you worry I have been captain and I always will be"

"Well glenny boy I hope that comes true!"

Maxwell was my sponsor. He used to frequent my high school games back where I am from. We happened to share the same hometown you see. All the luxury, the car, the villa, and my tuition are all his grace. All he asks in return is that our team comes in the top 5 and I am captain. Also, don't use his money for anything illegal. And in the past two years, I have fulfilled all these terms.

After I chatted with Maxwell I went to the coaches' room and asked about the selections and they said it starts next weekend. So now I have just one week to train.

I was very conflicted if I should give up on welsy or if I should give up on my position as captain.

"Pick any of the two fingers" I said to Maddy.

After all that thinking and running around and stressing I was hungry. I called Brandon to ask where he was and drumroll please. He was in subway with Maddy!

So I went there to get an Italian bmt love that shit.

"Why do u even ask this when you know full and well u will end up doing both options?" Maddy asked.

"This time it really feels like I will have to give up on one!"

"Trust me and go train! Wait till Monday and then decide. All u can do right now is train any which way!"

"True admin doesn't work on weekends"

And so I went to the gym in the evening.


hello guys lia here!

I hope y'all understand I won't be able to post regularly until June mid.

my health has taken a toll for the worst along with my academic life

I want to be an academic wepon but the parasites in me scream victim!

also if you guys had to choose between welsy and the captain position which would you pick?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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