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*4 months later*

"Captain, hurry up. we need to recruit new students!!" Brandon said excitedly

"Yes yes, champ right with you" I replied and we ran along to the ice rink.

Not much has happened after the year got over. We graduated from 2nd year and are now starting 3rd year, I started to notice scowl more. she always blends in the background like what the hell, does she have magic powers or what? AND  man she is so strong. I believe it has to do with her major but her arms are BUILT. During the summer break, I saw her many times in the school gym doing all upper body activities or workout combos. I want to ask her about her  PR so bad but I am scared she will glare at me. Wait, maybe I like that, maybe I am a MASOCHIST??! Now I know why her biceps are so huge. She stores all her anger in those muscles. It is saddening how I still don't know her name. I asked Maddy a thousand times but she too referred to her as scowl now, like why? She says "It is romantic. you will get to know her name and swoon."

After spreading out our team flyers we got back to our class timetable for this semester. I am a PE major so I took the rhythmic and body awareness class(it is like anatomy but not with all the hard biology stuff in detail) and guess what? My scowl is also in the class!!

Today is the first lecture and from the intel, I got from Maddy, I can make out the following:

1)scowl is prof. Thomsons favourite student

2)all fine art and sculpting majors are taking this class

3) The sculpting counsellor and prof Thomsons are the same person

That is not much and not crucial but it is something.

We entered the class. I can imagine her already. She is in a loose shirt and culottes and as always it's white and black and she has her hair in a tight bun which looks messy at the same time. Her hair is black and it is the prettiest shade of black I have ever seen. When it comes in contact with the sun it becomes a maroonish red like dried hibiscus petals. they look so pretty. She has curly hair and so when she opens her hair, which happens hardly once a month, it looks like she came right out of a painting from the Victorian era. I tried to ask her once why she kept her hair open so rarely.

she gave me the most nastiest look, 'Who are you? why do I have to answer to you? My wish what does it have to do with you? haaah' these seemed to be her thoughts. she can't seem to control much of her emotions which show on her face. but still, she looked so cute when she raised one of her eyebrows and sighed. touching her forehead she answered

"I washed my hair in the morning today and I need it to dry"

How is she real?

my thoughts kept me occupied for a while and then,

Sir began the roll call, the most exciting thing for me right now.

"Shane, present

Dory, present

Hilda, present

Maddy, present


Welsy? welsy are you here child? P-present s-sir"

I recognised that voice. I look up and see scowl panting at the door. red-faced and huffing. It seems she had to run to class today. I hope the professor leaves her be.

"Welsy, child come here and sit. I saved a seat for you " sir said in a parental tone. Wait! Sir saved her a seat? She is that much of a favourite student. omg, this is going to be tough on her. For however long I have noticed her she likes to be a wallflower. Her personality is very noticeable, it's just that she doesn't like attention. Even in the gym her pump cover never comes off. I remember once she was transporting something related to clay, it was two 5 kg buckets filled to the brim with what I thought was clay. I was with the team and they like to act chivalrous so they offered to help her carry the buckets and she just magically disappeared. WAIT NOT RIGHT NOW. Her NAME is WELSY! I now know my scowl's name! Welsy! Omg, it suits her perfectly. How is she real? So pretty.


Hey, guys so I know the time skip feels abrupt but trust me the future chapters will cover all the topics left unanswered regarding the mishap between Maddy and Daisy.

see you soon,

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