5. That damn bra

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The class had gotten over when I noticed Scow- no Welsy make a run for it. I was so very curious as to where she was going. Per her rigid routine, she should be headed to the art room to pick up a few boxes of clay and then to the workshop to finish her graduation piece. But today she didn't. I would have loved to follow her but I had a prior engagement to greet the freshmen who joined our club.

I entered the basketball court where all the club members were assembled.

'Good mornin-, sorry afternoon, I am Glen Paserby, your captain and the general manager for the team. We will soon be holding tryouts for substitute positions, I implore all first-year students to apply. And the second and third-year students to start training for positions left empty by our seniors. The coach and sponsors will hold the tryouts for them before the peak season begins. Also, we will be having a small match with one of  the college teams in our neighbourhood. All the best let us start the prep. LETS GO! WE ARE! SNOWLEPOARDS!"

As I was getting ready to leave Brandon asked me for a favour to lend him my car for today. He cracked me up "Ahem may I, my lord, please borrow your wagon, the missus has requested a meal from 'the subway' and I did not bring my mode of transport today"

I replied "My dear lord you may take the wagon but, NOT.A.SINGLR.SCRATH. Got it" he is so cute he said yes sir Roger and left like a puppy was called to play fetch. Maddy and her love for subway.

Since I had given my car to Brandon I left to my simple abode on foot.

"-did you just pour hot coffee over me?!" someone screamed. this someone's voice sounded very familiar and so quickly I peeked through the crowd to look for the owner of this voice - scowl- no scratch that WELSY yes I know her name now-

My trail of thought was cut off at the view of scowl drenched in coffee and skin red and ALSO her red bra visible through her shirt. Jealousy consumes me as I hurriedly speed walk-slash-run in her direction pulling out my flannel from my gym bag. I reach her and drape her in my shirt. I was in a panicked state. According to the medical procedure, I was to take off the hot garment and ice her aggravated skin but the visible red of her skin AND bra were putting me off my coaster. I see Daisy make a clueless face and scowl leave a sigh, an irritated yet defeated sigh and try to shrug off my shirt. She looks towards a corner, where her bag was kept and I put my shirt back on her and run to grab her bag. After taking her bag back to her I button up my shirt around her and this time she doesn't try to shrug it off. We walk out of the cafe in complete silence. We reach a safe distance from the cafe and she hisses.

I almost snap my neck at the sound of her hiss and in a worried tone ask her,

"Are you ok? Are you hurt? Do you need anything?"

"Stop overreacting Glen it's only hot coffee it's not like the hot liquid will make my boob deflate."

"No it won't but the ski- wait you know my name?!"

"Of course, I know your name, Maddy never shuts up in class about how Brandon is like your son, they need to quit school and start a podcast about it"

"MADDY told you my name?"

"She didn't really have to but yeah she showed the whole class the school ice hockey team and named each guy so we know who is who. Why, am I not supposed to know your name?"

"Well she didn't tell me your name when I asked her a thousand times but she disclosed my name so easily I am hurt"

"Pfft-ouch" she said and cluched her shoulder. I felt proud for making her laugh but also worried about her skin.

I wanted to continue talking with her but her shoulder and ahem her boob were really giving me a scare and so in the spur of the movement I mentioned we could visit my villa and get her patched up.

"Umm so I live reallly close to campus and ur skin is giving me a scare so how about I treat that brun at my place? " fumbling hard and trying not to sound too demanding "O-only if you are okay with it but please let me-"

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