Dance with me

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AN: Who thought it was going to end? Still more to come but I thought splitting it would be best. Hopefully, part 2 will be enjoyed.

Courtney's POV

1 Month Later


Heather's Condo

I can't believe I'm doing this.

Raising my hand to knock on the door, I checked my outfit for this party that I was being forced to go to. Well not forced I was invited but a part of me didn't want to go.

It took a lot of work, long hours and determination but " The Rebels " were proven innocent. Even when a month has passed since the trial the Media is still going on about it.

Their fame and popularity were already big but the trial increased their publicity.

But more importantly, the investigation to find out who planted the drugs in the tour bus is still in action. The guys wanted this person who tried framing them behind bars.

Other than being insanely busy with filming the documentary, interviews, shows and working in the studio they finally were having a late celebration party.

They said formal attire so I went with a simple black dress with matching heels 👠, my pearl necklace and earrings, and my hair in a low bun. Along with my makeup.

All this for a celebration party.

" I hope Heather's ready " I breathed hearing footsteps from the other side " Finally " I added but when the door opened I saw Heather in quite the outfit, her hair sectioned and half her makeup done.

" Uh...hi? " I greeted unable to look away " Uh hi to you and what the hell are you wearing? " she asks looking me up and down.

" What?! Is it a formal party? " I said looking over at what I was wearing "Are you going to a funeral? " asks Heather pulling me into her condo "Thank God my Fab team is here " she adds leading me into her living room where 5 people, racks of clothing, shoes, and a makeup and hair area.

I was speechless seeing everything.

" Team work fast on her " announced Heather before walking back to hair and makeup.

" What?! But I am dressed " I replied suddenly being brought over to the racks "Honey you're not this says so many bad things...once we're done men will be crawling at your feet, " said a stylist making me nervous.

" No...just one in particular so makes her eye-catching for his eyes only, " orders Heather while her hair was getting worked on "Maybe even take him home with her " she added smiling 😏.

My eyes open up upon hearing that " HEATHER!! " I exclaimed feeling a wave of embarrassment "Hurry people we gotta party to go to, " said Heather completely ignoring me as my hair got undone and my makeup was removed.

I'm gonna kill her!!


1 Hour Later

McClain Gold Records

Once we arrived photographers, cameramen and other media were outside the entrance covering tonight's party. Thankfully Heather and I checked in without any issues but it's because I was on the VIP guest list with a plus 1.

The party was going to be on the top floor patio area, I heard countless parties have been thrown here with quite several celebrities as guests.

I kept quiet as we rode the elevator, I honestly didn't want to be here.

Justice & Rhythm PT.2: Nothing I Won't Do For YouWhere stories live. Discover now