Down Time

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AN: Hello everyone, I hope you've all been well.


Courtney's POV

4:00 PM

Staring out the window of the moving car I couldn't believe the sights I was looking at much less that I was seeing it for myself. Thailand was something so many people, activity and traffic was crazy. I can see why the guys would want to return it was incredible and I can only imagine what they got up to while here, but also it's crazy hot.

When I landed at the airport, I went to the entrance to go meet my driver who was not only easy to spot, but also held a sign with my name. Then the moment I stepped outside I was sweating like mad, which made me regret not changing before I left home, I've been in my work clothes since I left. So I just took my blazer off and followed the driver to the cool air-conditioned car.

Talk about a way to start this Trip, I couldn't wait to be at the hotel and have a cold shower and maybe something cold to eat.

Even though the flight was comfortable, I was tired.

20 hours in a plane was exhausting, I even did some work for both the firm and the guys during the flight. Yes, I know I can be a workaholic but can you blame me when I have so much going on?

I can't believe I'm about to say this but maybe Duncan and Heather were right, I need to just cut loose relax, and enjoy my time here. Maybe cut my workload which is something I've been trying to work on for some time now.

" Miss we've arrived " announced the driver getting my attention as I looked out the window I noticed we were driving through some very elaborate gates making me raise my eyebrows.

"Oh my," I said turning my head left and right to see a beautiful garden, a large water fountain in the center, guests walking, and then as we pulled up to the entrance staff were waiting.

As soon as the car stopped the door was opened for me along with helping me come out " Thank you " I said to the doorman " Welcome to the Gold Palace Hotel Miss.Preston " he said welcoming me followed by my luggage, carry on and laptop bag being taken inside.


After I checked in along with confirming that I was part of " The Rebels " group they immediately got me settled in and let me know that Mr.McLean and the band were currently off doing some filming but that they would be back for the welcome dinner to take place tonight.

I was a bit sad that no one was here, then again I did have things to take care of before I flew out.

Oh well, I guess til then I'll just relax.

I was led to my room on the same floor everyone was, the front desk said I had a luxury suite with my private bedroom with a queen size bed, balcony with a hot tub, 24/7 room service, a comfortable living room, bar and a spacious closet for all my belongings.

This was gonna be one of the fanciest trips I've been on.

Hearing my door open the staff placed all my things inside, but of course, I tipped them each for assistance.

Once gone I couldn't believe how amazing my suite was, it's huge and gorgeous especially the view I was getting of not just the courtyard but the city.

" Wow," I sighed looking around once more before I walked toward my bedroom, honestly after all this, I'm gonna need one heck of a nap.

Justice & Rhythm PT.2: Nothing I Won't Do For YouWhere stories live. Discover now