Friction Amongst Others

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AN: 👍


Duncan's POV


10:00 PM

Well, today was an interesting day, the only thing I wasn't sure which part of it was more interesting.

After years of not seeing each other because of a mistake made, I saw Trent, my former best friend and bandmate. I knew by word of mouth he was a huge executive producer and that everyone wanted to work with him.

Just about everything he's produced has won just about every award out there including Grammys. When I heard about his success I tried reaching out to him, invited him to concerts, and events and even tried calling him but his assistant would give me an excuse.

Even with our success over the years we still thought how if Trent was still part of the band he could enjoy the glory we all dreamed of, especially when it was the two of us that originally started the band.

This is part of the events of today the second, was when did Courtney go and talk to Trent?

How was it that he easily spoke with Courtney?

I shouldn't let this get to me, but this just made no sense. What did they talk about? Was I brought up? Did they talk about what happened 10 years ago?

I need answers!!!

But also I want to know why Courtney never told me any of this.

I stayed in the studio to work on some ideas for the song I'm struggling with, so far we've got something especially with Cody starting tunes for the opening.

I currently played in the background the song's melody listening to figure out what could change or be replaced.

And so far nothing.

My phone📱started ringing, quickly taking it out of my pocket I saw Courtney calling. I want to answer it but I find myself unable to press accept, normally I would right away.

When it stopped I stared at it momentarily only to see it start ringing again and I found myself unable to press accept again.

I couldn't be like this to her...not when I just got her back.

" You are here," said the voice making me come out of my thoughts.

Spinning my seat I look to see Courtney walking in with her purse in hand.


Standing up I walk over to her " Hey babe what are you doing here? It's pretty late " I ask checking the time.

" I know but I was working late myself and I thought why not come by and see how you doing " Courtney explains smiling at me "Since you said you would be here " she adds putting her purse down on the side table.

" Yeah but unfortunately I've barely gotten what I wanted to do done " I explain looking around "Oh no I can go if you want me to, " says Courtney about to walk but I stop her from leaving.

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