Old Wounds

70 6 2

AN: Who's nervous?!


Courtney's POV

9:30 AM

I was working on preparing for the upcoming cases I had coming up between today and the following month. I would say it must be because of how good of a lawyer I must be, but it could be for being a rock band lawyer.

Every day when I arrive there are new cases but I might have to limit my time, especially if I need to go to meetings or consult with the guys at the company.

That reminds me I got an email from Chris, asking me to come in on Friday for lunch to discuss some things regarding the documentary and ideas the director has.

I believe his name was Tony, he was so persistent in wanting to film the court day and wanting to ignore the contract. But that's why Chris hired me and I could see why past lawyers weren't as reliable.

Turning my seat towards my computer screen I look for the one Chris sent along with sending a memo to our receptionist to block my Friday afternoon.

Just then my office phone started ringing, quickly answering I continued searching through my emails.

Me: Good Morning this is Courtney Preston speaking

?: Hello Courtney

I was suddenly surprised to hear the voice on the other line before I continued I checked the name and number on the phone's display...

Me: Trent, this is quite the unexpected phone call

Trent: Yeah, I...uh...still had your business card from when you came to see me

Me: Oh right, yes

Trent: I know you probably weren't expecting me to call but I thought I'd call and ask you something

My eyes opened and I got concerned, I wasn't sure why but whatever he was going to say had me nervous...

Me: Of course, ask me anything

Trent: * takes a breath * Listen I saw Duncan yesterday

Me: Right, he told me about that

Trent: He did?

Me: Yeah, and also just know we are back together

Trent: * silent *

Me: I know you're probably wondering; how? or why? And the answer is he never wanted to lose me and that he regretted what he's done to me, but also to others

I wasn't sure if Trent believed what I said or if he would be open to hearing anything

Trent: He earned your trust

Me: Yes and trust me when I say this it took a while for me to believe him including how he needed to change

Trent: I see, but how did you forgive him after what happened?

Me: You know I haven't actually...before we got back together I could barely even look at him let alone be in the same room

Trent: How did he find you again after all this time?

Me: It's more like I walked into the wrong place when it started raining 🌂

Trent chuckled lightly...

Trent: I heard of a private show they did at the Nightengale to play a new song, I was sent a copy of it by one of my scouts who was there that night

Justice & Rhythm PT.2: Nothing I Won't Do For YouWhere stories live. Discover now