Pulsing Heart

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AN: Trouble in paradise!!!


Duncan's POV

7 Bars Later

1:00 AM

Man, we have been having a blast in all sorts of bars and clubs, each one welcoming us in unique ways and a lot of free drinks, especially shots.

" WOAH!!!! "

Finishing what was now our...wait I've lost count of how many shots that was...but I gotta say I'm feeling pretty good right now, " okay...our last shot " breathed Courtney still holding her glass "Yup no more damn these things are something, " I said reaching for the water and chugging it down fast I needed to get my mind straight.

While chugging water 💦 I glanced at Courtney fanning herself and trying to cool down, I was unable to look away from her even with sweat making her skin glisten especially on her neck, chest and cleavage.

The dress Courtney was wearing tonight was sexy. My eyes were indeed looking and liking what I was seeing.

" Can you pass me the water " breathes Courtney looking at me with a heated expression on her face which was turning me on " Duncan you okay? " she asks

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" Can you pass me the water " breathes Courtney looking at me with a heated expression on her face which was turning me on " Duncan you okay? " she asks.

Shaking my head out of what I was thinking I pull Courtney to me making her gasp " What are you doing? " without answering I press the bottle of water to her lips allowing her to drink as she did I watch water dribbling from the sides of her mouth down to her neck and chest.

I'm truly a lucky guy.

Finishing the water Courtney exhaled heavily and then looked at me smiling "I'm having the most amazing time " she laughed looking around the bar " Yeah I'm glad Princess you've needed to get away from everything " I replied smiling back.

" Hey guys we should call it a night, " says Alejandro as he and Geoff currently help Cody stand, by the looks of it he's had a bit much "The guy got challenged to a beer-drinking by a girl and guess who won, " says DJ patting Cody's head.

I couldn't help but snicker at our keyboard player "Yeah let's go" says Geoff who as always appears fine after a night out and a shit load of drinks. How he does it beats me.

" Hey calling it quits," said Tony who walked over to us with a tray of shots "It's safe to say that we are done " answers Geoff looking at Cody " Shame I just got us a round " he explained showing us the red drinks he brought.

I was getting a bad feeling looking at those shots, my gut was telling me something. That's why all night I've made sure any drink Courtney got was from me and not something she got alone.

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