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AN: Hopefully this turns out well


Trends POV

1 Day Later

7:00 PM

It's been a long day and I had just finished working with multiple people throughout my day, I was amazed to have been able to squeeze in time to eat.

Sighing heavily as I walked back to my office, even though I was done in the studios I knew that waiting there would be a ton of emails and phone messages that I needed to look over and reply to before I went home.

Stretching my neck to the side it was sore from staying in the same position for long hours or maybe I slept wrong.

Other way today was a long work day and I just wanted to sit down and breathe for a bit.

" Mr.Berkley " calls an intern walking up to me making me exhale, the interns need to learn not to call on me so much. I get they wanna get their foot in the door of this industry, but I've told them time and time again to ask their supervisors who were my assistants questions on anything.

I guess that's what happens for being a nice guy, but I don't want to be rude either.

" Yes " I reply calmly " I'm sorry to bother you but a visitor is waiting in your office " she explains very excited making me raise an eyebrow " A visitor at this hour? " I asked checking my watch ⌚ "Okay, thank you, " I said before walking away.

I don't think I had anyone coming in to see me today. And at the end of the day no less? Then again I was just gonna do little things before I went home.

Seeing my office coming into view I look through the glass windows to in fact see sitting in a chair in front of my desk, a guest making me stop for a moment.

" Right...I said come by anytime" I breathed before I continued walking.

Pulling my door open I walk in " Good evening I hope you weren't waiting too long " I said making my way to my desk " Evening and I just got here 5 minutes ago " he said standing up to face me.

I couldn't believe Duncan came after all.

Once I got to my chair we both sat down at the same time and stayed silent.

It's just like yesterday neither of us could even start talking or even know where to begin.

"Water? " I offered looking at Duncan as I reached into my mini fridge filled with large bottles of cool smart water"Please thank you " he answered as I handed him a bottle.

" I'm guessing you had a busy day today? " he asks taking the cap off the water 💦 " yeah a lot of artists with albums coming out soon and they all want my help to stand out " I answer before taking a sip of water.

" Yeah, albums are a lot of work, I meant just the development of creating the melody and lyrics alone can be time-consuming " Duncan explains running a hand through his hair, I'm guessing he takes most of the responsibility of producer for the band.

" You've been doing an amazing job Duncan for the music of the band... it's impressive " I comment truthfully. He looks up at me with a surprised expression, " I heard all the albums and even after all these years you're still great at making music 🎶 " I add smiling 😊.

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