Night Fun

66 4 4

AN: Sorry I'm falling behind on my writing, I hope you've all been well.


Normal POV

Bangkok, Thailand

It was day 4 of the band's trip and so far everything had been going great.

The past couple of days have been exciting for the group as they revisited the country's amazing sights, the culture and embraced everything it had to offer.

Fans were very excited seeing " The Rebels " come back, no matter where they went during filming fans watched the band and waited in hopes of getting an autograph which they would do.

Even news crews would show up to interview them in hopes of getting the details as to why they were filming 🎥 and they answered about the documentary along with saying how Thailand was amongst their favourite places to come during their tour.

Also enjoying the trip was Courtney, as Chris had explained during the meetings she would be joining the trip in case any legal actions occurred. Thankfully none so far, but still it was never certain when a lawyer was needed.

Duncan on the other hand was glad she was here, after the first night he was glad Courtney came. He didn't know what he would have done if she hadn't made him rest.

After that, he was well-rested and reenergized for the days ahead, so far they got footage of the stadium where they performed, shots of the hotel, relaxing by the pool, walking in the city during the day, the boat trip they took to the gulf of Thailand amazing everyone.

And tonight was something they were all looking forward to which was a night out in Bangkok to capture nightlife.


Courtney's POV

8:00 PM

We all decided to eat out tonight, the hotel has been amazing but we thought a change would be good.

We were all just sitting at a table in a restaurant currently having cold drinks. One would think it would be a bit cooler this time of day.

Reaching for my fresh iced coconut 🥥 water I try thinking cool thoughts, since arriving I gotta admit it's been incredible Thailand has not disappointed. I never would have thought my job would bring me to such an exotic country.

Even though I would be doing work most days, or before and after when we would get back from filming. I do have to admit being invited to come on this trip was a good opportunity. Especially when Duncan would be coming to my suite every night, to either talk in private about the day or just really heat things up.

" So you ready for tonight? " asks Chris who currently sat across from me " I hope so " I replied taking a sip of my drink " Oh man you're in for something it's way more fun at night than in the day," says Geoff standing on his chair along with the others " especially the clubs, " Cody said very excited.

" Yes, it shall be a very fulfilling evening, " said Alejandro raising his glass 🥃 "Everyone to a night we shall never forget and to the success of our upcoming travels " he adds as we all raise our drinks.

" Hey where's Duncan and Tony they missed the toast, " said DJ looking around.

DJ was right, I remember Duncan went to the washroom and Tony I was unsure of where he was, but he did leave the hotel the same time we did.

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