Our Beginning: Part 1

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AN: I can't believe I'm almost done with my course it's been an insane journey but I'm almost there


Courtney's POV


8:00 AM

Duncan's Penthouse

I was starting to move. My body was currently tangled up in the sheets and blanket.

Last night was something I don't think I'll be forgetting anytime soon...what am I saying it's etched into my brain 🧠.

Duncan surprised me at work, carrying me out in his arms...I am gonna get asked a lot of questions on Monday...we arrive at his place where instead of talking we ended up making out which led to a very...let's just say it was a night of catching up.

Opening my eyes I smile in hopes to see him sleeping beside me but instead, I'm alone in his bedroom with the blinds down, which still gives the room a good amount of natural light.

Sitting up I held the blanket to my chest, I tried fixing my hair also known as messed up sex hair which for odd reasons was wilder whenever me and Duncan did the dirty.

" Good morning "

Looking up standing there holding a tray with breakfast was Duncan and I had to admit he looked good.

" Good morning " I answer shyly tightening the blanket as he walks over " I made us breakfast 🍳 " he says "Aw so sweet, " I say noticing he was wearing an apron "You look cute " I complimented.

Setting the tray down on the bed Duncan leans toward me "Glad you think so " he says before kissing me softly but as he pulls away I look to the side of the apron to suddenly blush.

" Ummm Duncan? " I ask trying to not laugh "Yes Courtney " he answers grinning as if knowing well what I'm about to ask "Are you naked behind that apron? " I asked now on the verge of laughing.

" Maybe I am maybe I'm not " he answers wiggling his eyebrows before he turns around on purpose only for me to see his backside.

" Duncan oh my goodness " I laughed covering my eyes with the blanket "What never seen my assets before " be teased knowing well what he was doing.

I couldn't believe this was what I was waking up to...

20 minutes Later

After making Duncan put something on before we ate breakfast 🍞  he surprised me with something...

While Duncan went to drop off the tray in the kitchen wearing boxers, I currently was still in bed enjoying my coffee. I couldn't believe how amazing it tasted and was made by Duncan.

" I am back " he announced walking back into the room but then he stopped to look at my current state "What is it? " I asked smiling " I didn't think you would look really good in my t-shirt " he replied walking over to the bed.

Looking down at myself I could hardly believe that he still had his black T-shirt with the skull 💀 when he pulled it out of the closet I was stunned.

" I am still astonished that you have this you wore it religiously " I replied looking back at him " hell yeah I think I wore it on a few dates " he explained sitting next to me with his arm out "I remember but it suited you, " I said pressing against him with my head on his shoulder.

We both stayed quiet for a bit embracing one another, I didn't want to move. This was just too nice.

" Can we just stay like this all day? " I asked looking up at him "Stay in bed all day? " he asked facing me with an amused expression " Yeah " I answered smiling "Best idea I ever heard, " he said before leaning over me only to make me laugh.

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