Late Night Call

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AN: Yes, I'm excited to see chapter 1 was enjoyed. I hope you're ready for more.


Duncan's POV


3:00 AM

Man was the party something it was great to enjoy it, especially with Courtney there.

Sighing heavily I couldn't get out of my head how great she looked tonight. Could she have looked any more beautiful than she already was?

But also I'm glad we could have one dance together even though we were getting a lot of attention, to me it felt like it was just the two of us.

Walking into my bedroom I unbutton my shirt and toss it on the floor before sitting on the bed unable to stop thinking 💭 of tonight.

Placing my hands behind my head I fall back and stare at the ceiling with a grin.

Now that I realize I'm kinda acting like a kid with a crush and maybe in some way it was.

But that conversation we had afterwards still repeated in my mind...


* Party *

After we got praised for our dance we finally stepped out on the balcony again.

" Duncan...are you sure you want to start over? " asks Courtney once again hearing the uncertainty in her voice "Yes, I'm sure what's wrong about wanting to give us another chance? " I asked crossing my arms.

" Look I accepted Chris's offer to be your band's attorney," she says walking to the side wall.

Standing beside her " And I'm glad you did babe " I replied excited knowing she would be working with us in case something occurred " Plus you know well I see you more than just our lawyer " I added reaching for her hands.

Sighing heavily Courtney leans her head back " Are you sure don't wanna move on and meet someone better " she breaths " That's what I wanted to tell you...that maybe I'm not good enough for you and that you should - " not letting her finish what she was about to say I press a finger on her lips.

Giving her a stern expression I start talking seriously " I regretted losing you 10 years ago and I'm not letting you go again " I breathed looking into her eyes "You're not perfect you're amazing and no ones ever come close to being compared to you " slowly moving my finger away I look at her lips 👄 " no more excuses and no more saying you're not good enough okay " I whispered holding her waist.

Slowly nodding her head in agreement "So...what now? " Courtney asks trying to keep herself calm but all I do is lean in towards her. I notice her preparing what's to come "Just one more thing, " I said seeing her eyes open.

Her cheeks were red which I thought was cute "What is it? " she asked embarrassed "Will you visit me in the studio sometime I want my inspiration there " I said smiling. Nodding her head yes I smile before kissing her deeply followed by her arms going around my neck.


Needless to say, we were just about caught making out heavily by other guests, so we went back inside to join the others.

By the time it was 1:00 Courtney decided to call it a night and go home I offered to give her a ride, but insisted she was good.

Then I heard her say some things I had hoped to hear come out of her mouth for months "Your girlfriend is capable of getting herself home, enjoy the party and I'll see you soon ".

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