The Ups and Downs

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AN: And here we go....who's ready?


Normal POV



With the weather ☀️ changing from spring to the early stages of summer, being the time to have fun; enjoy time together; plan trips; and reconnect.

Unfortunately for some, it wasn't going as they thought.

The band was exactly what they anticipated thanks to Chris they had a heavy pact schedule 📆 with projects, documentaries, music 🎶 videos, live television interviews, performances and travelling for special appearances or hosting.

With everything occurring it barely gave them the chance to work on the album, that the media had somehow found out about; so fans were eagerly awaiting it.

Apart from the insanity Duncan was concerned about his new relationship, which wasn't a concern to him before, but now it was different he got Courtney back. The one he couldn't forget.

What he didn't imagine was how much travelling they were required to do this time, but since they were held back due to the trial it was all about catching up with major priorities.

All Duncan was hoping for was to start over but it was not going as he hoped, the only thing he was capable of throughout the schedule was either sending a text or a quick phone call saying hello and how are you?

Even if the text or calls were short, he much would prefer being with her as well as having close contact.


Courtney on the other hand was well understanding of everything Duncan was going through, but she admitted to herself that she liked them being together.

In the hopes of making plans, Duncan was suddenly called away.

She didn't show her emotions but instead would bottle them up.

Thankfully with her job, she was busy and it helped keep her mind off it. Instead of getting upset, Courtney made plans with Heather and Bridgette or even co-workers who still enjoyed going to the sports bar.

Also with the law firm getting busier, Noah considered looking for a bigger office space or building to make room for more employees and have space.

Even if work was keeping her occupied Courtney would still think of Duncan, hoping he was alright and not pushing himself too hard.


Courtney's POV

12:00 PM

Both Heather and Bridgette asked me if I wanted to grab lunch with them, which I couldn't turn down. At times I forget to eat throughout my day, especially when I have court.

We all met at a nice bistro that Heather says is good and a great place to relax.

Looking through the menu I looked at the variety of food they offered, everything described sounds so good.

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