Our Beginning: Part 2

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AN: Another Chapter


Duncan's POV

3:00 PM

As we planned or should I say what Courtney requested for us to do today, we stayed in bed all day. I honestly didn't mind this at all because it gave us the chance to just relax and enjoy one another, which we have been.

After some fun I suggested we have a bath so we were currently sitting in my jacuzzi tub enjoying the hot water 💦, jets and some eucalyptus bath soap 🧼.

" So this what you do to relax? " Courtney asked looking up at me as she sat between my legs and her back against my chest "Well either this, sleep, going to the gym or watching movies 🎬 " I replied caressing her shoulder " I gotta say I never took you for the bath type " she breathes getting loose.

Resting my head on the rim of the tub I sighed heavily "When you spend most days busy with interviews or days, weeks and months travelling for world tours doing this helps a lot " I answered thinking of how crazy our recent world tour was.

" I can only imagine what that was like...I heard you guys were away 2 years almost for this tour " she says "Yup this one was our biggest and most successful tour yet even crazier with media from each country wanting to get interviews with us " I explained recalling the moments " but what was insane was when we arrived at the airports 🛫 walking out waiting to even get a glimpse of us were huge crowds of fans " just thinking about was unbelievable.

" Wow, that must have made you guys feel so happy to know they all supported you " Courtney breathed mentally picturing the scene "Saying thank you was barely enough for them to know how amazing they made us feel " I explained as I wrapped my arms around her waist " I'd like to see that one day " she replied caressing the side of my face.

" Oh trust me you will and I hope after you up for celebrating cause our after parties are fun " I add out loud smiling because not everyone will be happy towards the start of your dream.


* Flashback *

We couldn't believe what happened, needless to say, neither of us slept instead we just celebrated that we were getting signed by Maclean Gold Records.

The off-campus apartment Geoff, Cody and I shared got crowded. Word got out fast that we got signed and before long other students arrived to celebrate our excitement. Unfortunately, the landlord came and broke it up and threatened to call the cops if the party didn't end. So needless to say everyone had to leave.

In the end, the only people left were myself and the guys, who just stayed up talking about what was going to happen on Monday. One thing we talked about seriously as we were dropping out of college to pursue our dream.

Geoff immediately called Bridgette to share the news about it and was thrilled for us. Needless to say, Gwen found out and sent her congratulations to us.

The next step was telling our families, Alejandro was the first to tell his parents. He currently spoke in Spanish every so often there were moments of silence then a loud voice was heard, but then the voice settled down followed by Alejandro saying:

" Gracias mamá y papá. Los haré sentir orgullosos a ambos " he said before hanging up and then giving a thumbs up meaning it went well.

Now it was all our turn to go tell our parents and what better way than to head out to our hometown to give our families the good news?

Justice & Rhythm PT.2: Nothing I Won't Do For YouWhere stories live. Discover now