A Not So Warm Catch Up

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AN: Memories can be both good and bad, sometimes you want to forget. The same goes for people.


Courtney's POV


9:00 AM

Looking out the window of the moving car, I can't believe we're on our way back to where our history starts.

I shouldn't be nervous about anything, I don't get why I'm feeling like this.

" Tonight should be interesting don't you think? " asks Duncan as he drives "Depends...I feel like I shouldn't be here " I replied leaning back into the passenger seat " I'm allowed a plus one and aren't you curious to see our old high school again? " he asked glancing at me.

Duncan had a point it's been 10 years and I haven't been back to this place since I left and maybe it won't be so bad seeing our school again. I wonder if our teachers are still there?

" Did you do anything to the school after you graduated 🎓? " I asked smiling at Duncan who smiled mischievously back at me "Maybe a little something " he answered trying not to laugh "I'm gonna hear about it tonight aren't I, " I said rolling my eyes " More like you'll be watching it " replies Duncan making my eyes open up.

Whatever it was it's gonna be the highlight of the night.

We soon arrived at the place where I remember moving to so that life was calmer instead I met great people including Duncan. Seeing everything brought back all the fun memories I had. Most were good and some weren't as nice.

All in all the time I spent here was good, even though my parents were gone a majority of the time. If it weren't for meeting everyone who knows how I would have turned out?

Feeling the car making a turn down a street I looked around seeing it was familiar to me.

" I wanna make a stop somewhere before we go to the hotel and meet up with everyone " explains Duncan as he continued driving down the street "Okay no worries " I answered looking but then what came into view got my attention " Duncan is that what I..." unable to finish my sentence I was gobsmacked to see his parents house.

" Yup it's exactly what it is " answered Duncan smiling as he pulled up to the sidewalk.

" Wow your parents still live here that's amazing, " I said as the car came to a stop " I may be a rockstar babe but I still visit Mom, " he said turning the car off.


I was really happy hearing Duncan say that he still visits his parents. His mom is amazing and I adored her, she always welcomed me into her home and treated me like family.

Hearing seatbelts unbuckle I oddly got nervous, what if now Mrs.Stone doesn't like me anymore?

" Moms in for one hell of a surprise, " said Duncan opening his door "You didn't tell her you were coming? " I asked taking my seatbelt off.

" I like to surprise Mom and I think today she really will be with you and me back together " he explains smiling "She doesn't know we're together? " I asked nervously " I haven't because I've wanted to bring you back to our hometown for some time to tell her together " explained Duncan sounding unsure.

I'm guessing he wanted to see how things go between us before telling his mom, it makes sense. I'll admit I had my doubts, but it's been going well.

Inhaling deeply I open the door to my side and step out onto the sidewalk.

" Shall we? " I asked making Duncan look up at me "Do you think she will like me? " I said as a joke like when I did the first time I met his parents "Oh yeah they will " answered Duncan as we closed the doors to the car.

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