Chapter 9

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Chapter Nine
~~ Carson ~~
I saw the worry on her pretty face as she heard the girls talk about the new game of truth or dare and how it was going to go down. Her eyes jumped from Maritza to Rubi as each proposed a new dare or truth. Each one being worse than the other one.
Her eyes were wide and her sweet lips formed a line in her face I had never seen before, in that moment I saw how innocent she was and I realized she was nothing like these girls. She was pure and finding that in college is hard but it just made this whole game more enternaiting for me.
And it makes me more of a piece of shit than I already am.... Ariana isn't like these girls.

"We'll for sure get couples out of this or at least some of them will try something " Rubi exclaimed.
I was enjoying every second of it. I knew what Rubi was doing. Rubi likes to claim shes some sort of cupid. She was born in february 14 and in her head that gives her some power of love and matchmaking. In reality shes insane and likes to start shit for her own enjoyment. She goes around with that sweet inoffensive act of the good girl but she was once my sister's best friend and we all know an angel and a devil don't mix but a devil disguised as an angel with another devil work... but clearly not for long.

Thinking about it now, I have to be honest and thank my sister for her actions to ger her kicked out, if she hadn't then I wouldnt have met Ariana. 
And for some reason that I still can't figure out I'm glad I met her, she's fun. She challenges me and I like that about her, it makes her interesting. It makes me wonder her next move and I no longer feel like spending time with her is the same as watching paint dry.
This stupid game was getting me somewhere with Ariana so I couldn't stop smiling as I listened to them with their wild ideas. I knew as I made eye contact with Rubi that she was going to keep daring me to do stuff with Ariana, what I still couldn't quite figure out was why.
Why was she trying to help me get closer to Ariana knowing Kayden liked her?
Rubi really likes Kayden, it never occurred to me she'll do something against him.
But then again, she likes Kendra and Kendra dies for Kayden ... which means her loyalties lie with Kendra and Ariana is just there.
Did she actually like Ariana or was she just pretending to like her but didn't and that's why she was bringing her to me in a silver platter?
The truth in my eyes is, Rubi wants to watch them burn. She doesn't consider her a friend, she's just someone who came in at the perfect time when she wanted to get rid of my sister and she wants Kayden for Kendra.
She would've never gotten rid of Juliette if she didn't have a replacement and Ariana is sweet, kind, and loyal. She was never going to say no to Rubi even if she was dying to.
"What's up with all that thinking?" Ansel whispered to me slowly pulling a cigarette out of his pocket "Let's go for another smoke yea?"
I laughed "You seriously got horny hearing these two lunatics talk about their dares?"
He cocked his head to the left looking at them and shrugged "Guilty. Im a man"
"A very sad one if you get turned on  by that" I joked getting the cigarette out of his hand as we walked outside. The air was nice too nice that I turned the lighter on and took a hit of the cigarette contaminating it. I felt Ansel watch me as I took another hit and exhaled it slowly. He brought me outside to interrogate me.  Not because he wanted to smoke another one, he rarely smokes two cigarettes in one day.
"So how was it?"
I looked at him and smiled taking a big hit of the cigarette letting it fill my lungs and keeping it long enough in my mouth, making his anticipation grow.
When I finally exhaled I looked away and noticed the moon shining above us. It was big and full, a full moon. Nothing special right? The moon rotates above us all the time and it's just another phase of the moon signifying the month is almost over which also means the presentation date is getting closer and my time with Ariana is getting shorter and something about that didn't settle right with me.
"We should practice outside next time, get some fresh air on us. Easier to get a smoke break" I say finally looking at him
His eyebrows scrunch meeting his eyes that narrow at me "What?"
I took another hit ignoring his question. He heard me.
"You're not going to answer me?"
"Answer what?"
The moon was so bright, was it like this yesterday? How did I not notice it yesterday? Why is it so big and so in my face like that? The more I looked at it the bigger and brighter it was and I was in some sort of trance with it, I could only think about one thing and one thing only.
Ariana's lips on mine and how much I wanted to feel her lips on mine again. How perfectly they moved together like they had met in many lives before this one, how her body gravitated towards me as my tongue touched hers eager to have more of her sweet taste, how her lavender perfume filled my nose making it feel better than the oxygen I'm breathing right now.
"How was it?" Ansel repeated
"It was good" I shrugged "Good way to start the game"
"That's all you have to say?" He was testing me. He wanted to know what was really going on inside my head but I couldn't tell him the truth because that truth was by far too embarrassing to share with anyone. I felt disgusted with myself. So I gave him what was expected of me. What I expected of myself.
"What more do you want me to say? She's not the first girl I kiss or the last. She's just one of the bunch, it felt normal. Boring almost, the girl knows how to kiss as well as she knows how to dance" I laughed
"No fucking way!" Ansel's eyes widened just as his smile did about to burst out in a laugh making me internally wince because that's not at all what I felt. And I was a coward for not admitting it. "She was that fucking bad!" He screamed so fucking loud I wanted to shut him up with my fist on his jaw but it's not just fault. It's mine. What the fuck just happened.
What the fuck is happening to me.
This is not happening to me, not over one fucking kiss and a fucking dance.
I nod puffing out the last of the smoke and throwing the cigarette on the ground stepping on it with my foot "Maybe even worse, it took everything in me to not wipe my lips right after"
"Holy fuck" Ansel was amused "And for a second I thought you had enjoyed it"
"It's called pretending, so I don't look like a total asshole"
Before Ansel could speak we heard the glass doors open revealing Rubi. She skipped towards us with a smirk on her face as she placed her arms on each one of us bringing our heads to her height
"What are you two asswipes talking about?" She looked at me searching for an answer she thought she could get from my eyes thanks to her witchy cupid powers she thought she had. I laughed
"Nothing" Ansel rolled his eyes getting out of her grip and shaking his black hair with his hand
Rubi ignored him because who she really wanted to talk was me.
She looked at me with her beautiful brown eyes making me smile, she smiled back while slowly bringing her bottom lip in between her teeth looking me up and down, and when she got to my face her eyes stayed on my lips as she got closer to my face pulling me down with her arm around my neck
"I like you with her" She whispered before letting me go
I watched her as she walked back to the studio, her hips moving side to side dramatically with every step she took. I hated when she walked like that. It reminded me of old times. The way she looked at me just a minute ago, how close she got to me, her bottom lip between her teeth as she stared at my lips... I was so stupid back then...
Ansel's eyes followed her but I physically followed her  and before she could go inside the dance room I grabbed her arm
"What the fuck do you mean?" Her smile widened. She got the reaction she wanted from me. Like fucking always, she wins.
"What game are you trying to play Rubi?" I say sternly, trying to find the trick in her eyes even though I know I can't read her
"The same one you like to play, but this one is with my rules." She spoke getting out of my grip and walking into the room. I watched her from the small rectangular window as she joined Maritza and Ariana in their conversation but she wasn't paying attention to them. Her piercing eyes cut through me as we had a stare off, her smile was too wide too fucking wide, and devilish making her pretty face show the devil she had inside and that no one could see until it was too late but I saw. I saw it and didn't like it being so close to Ariana, she didn't know but I did. I did.

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