Chapter 11

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Chapter 11
                                     ~~ Ariana~~
He left. And I wish with him had left all the doubt and confusion that now overpowers my mind and overwhelms my heart.

I bounced to my white couch and sat on it, I needed some stability and my feet weren't enough anymore.

Why did he come here? What is he looking for?

I try to find the answer but in all the questions and zero answers I'm consumed. Before I know the clock marks eight fifteen. The batter on the floor has now stuck to it, and the ants are having a party ...Kayden is out of practice.


If I get lucky and if destiny wants it, tonight's practice could end at nine that's what Angel told me. I don't have time to bake him the banana bread I was going to bribe him with but I might still have the chance to catch him there.

There's no reason to sit here for the next hours to overthink, I've exceeded the limit of overthinking for today.

Nothing new, I always do but today it was definitely worse than ever.

I get up from the couch the room is dark but I've lived here for a year now. I know the place even if the light is little to none at all. I make my way to my room and go to my closet to get a jacket, it's winter weather and I'm not getting a warm welcome from Kayden so I need as much heat as I can get.

I don't understand what happened today, and I'm sure once I come back from my conversation with Kayden It won't give me answers or solve the puzzle inside my head but at least I can try to convince him to keep showing up to practice and even if he doesn't at least I'll know I tried... it's either that or I'll make a fool out of myself thinking I'm the reason he stopped going when maybe he has a personal reason not to go anymore that has nothing to do with me and I'm going to be cataloged as self-centered and obsessive-

Gosh that freaking overthinking!

Despite my doubts, I find myself in the car, heading to the soccer field, recalling its location from my freshman year when my friend Sheryl and I were avid soccer enthusiasts attending every game possible. It wasn't exactly the game we were watching; it was the guys.
I never saw Kayden that year but I remember seeing him at graduation with a cast on his leg, maybe it didn't heal in time for tryouts last year and he couldn't join the team.

I get out of my car and avoid looking at how miserably I parked. I blame it on the nerves and not my driving skills, tonight is about Kayden and not about how well I park.

The cold air hits my face and it's so refreshing yet almost too thick suffocating me, but it may not even be the air it's the unknown of what this conversation could lead to.

I start walking to the field, my eyes searching for him but I don't seem to spot him.

I know he's here though. I am lucky enough that practice hasn't ended , this is the one thing he won't miss.

I look and look but I don't see a single trace of him. I want to give up, I think it's the best thing. He's not here, today wasn't our day. First, he avoided me, literally hid from me the whole day, then my banana bread plan fell through, and with it came Carson in my kitchen mixing me like flour, sugar, salt, baking soda, vanilla extract, butter, eggs, and bananas in a bowl with a whisk confusing my head... getting my head in an oven and making it explode.

As I turn away from the field and back to the parking lot I hear a whistle, I think it's the air. It's cold and windy, my hair flies in my face and I hear it again... air doesn't whistle twice not like that at least.

I follow the noise and I see him jog towards me, his black hair bouncing in his face, little front pieces sticking to his sweaty forehead. His chest is big as his gray shirt lays on his shoulder, his legs strong and fit as they make our distance shorter.

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