Chapter 10

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Chapter ten
                                     ~~ Ariana ~~
I  spent all morning looking for Kayden. I need to talk to him. I always see him around but seems like today he's hiding from me.
I don't get it. I do and I don't.
Last week he was in my apartment asking me to be his dance partner, telling me if I was quitting so was he because I was the only reason he wanted to be there, I was his reason for staying. But now I suddenly became the last person he wanted to see during practice and in general.

Because yes after Carson and I kissed he hasn't shown up to practice. I feel guilty, and I am because I contributed to the whole asking Rubi to let us dance together, to then playing that stupid game that for some reason that I still don't understand made him ditch me and the whole project. Kayden not showing up on Monday was my fault, I knew it and Kendra didn't hesitate to make it known.

It's not only Rubi's dance I'm worried about ruining, I'm worried that I ruined a friendship with him, a friendship that was barely starting but that felt so right. He was my only ally there, and I've known him for so long that he feels like I have a piece of home here.

Thankfully today I have a class with one of his teammates, they may not be best friends but he can tell me when their soccer practice starts today and when it ends so I can surprise him. I don't know how much he'll love seeing me there but I have to do something before I have to face him in a room with people that don't like me. I don't want him to be a part of that long list, he was my real ally in there and I don't want to lose that. I've known him coincidentally for far too long to let that happen.

I wait outside of the classroom waiting for the guy to show up, I think his name is Angel but I may be wrong. I'm bad with names. But I'm good with faces and his is long, squared, blue eyes, big nose, and big lips stand out, or maybe he's just a soccer player.
I see him and I have to stop myself from running after him like a psycho. I follow him discretely letting two girls walk in front of me. I keep my eyes on him and once he finally sits down I sit behind him because next to him is too much of a daring move I'm not willing or capable of making. I can't sit through a whole lesson next to him after asking him when his practice starts and ends without wanting to crawl under a hole. If I sit behind him, tap his shoulder, and ask him I never have to make eye contact with him after that. He'll just answer my question and he'll be forced to turn around and pay attention to the professor in front of us.
So that's exactly what I do.
I tap his shoulder and his blue eyes meet mine but when they do he narrows them at me and looks me up and down trying to figure out who I am.
I let him stare but I know he doesn't know who I am
"Sorry to bother you" I start as the trying to figure out where he knows me from ends "You play soccer don't you?" I ask making sure I am talking to the right person. I immediately realized I could've gotten this information anywhere and much faster and less embarrassing than this. Another great one Ariana! 
He studies my face still trying to find it in his long list of girls I'm sure he has"Yeaaa" He finally answers waiting for more
" You guys have soccer practice today, right? When does it start and what time does it end?"
He laughs "There are no cheerleaders allowed during practice" He licks his lips and gives me another up-and-down look "They're distracting"
"When does practice end then?"
"Who are you looking for" He cocks an eyebrow at me  "Not what I asked" I smile
"Mmm" he smacks his lips "Then I can't help you out pretty face"
"Kayden." Amusement plays in his eyes
"Kayden" He repeats and I want to roll my eyes so bad because why are men so annoying?
I want to dig my eyes out especially because I am doing all of this to check up on a man throwing a temper tantrum over a stupid kiss which, to begin with, he isn't allowed to throw a temper tantrum because we're just friends. Yet here I am giving him a trophy and going out of my way to fix things with him.

That's what I get for talking shit about Kendra a few days ago. This is my Kayden Karma.
  "Yes, Kayden. So when does it end?"
"Eight or nine it depends" He shrugs "Now tell me why Kayden"
I give him a half smile "Thanks, now you can turn around class is about to start" I say opening my laptop and blocking his face with the screen before he can say anything else.

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