Chapter 15

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Two weeks have gone by since Kayden and I last talked.
Yup, two weeks after the I thought you were smarter than that but you're just like the rest.
I don't know exactly what I'm mad about. The fact that he cataloged me with the rest of the Carson-obsessed fan group or that unfortunately for me he's not exactly wrong.
I don't know which one hurts more, but truth always hurts.
He hasn't tried to talk to me, I'm surprised he's even showing up to practice but he gets here late and only stays for one run of the dance and leaves. So there's no time for him to talk to me, and I haven't tried either.
I can't.
It hurts my pride way too much to even look at him after what he said to me. I could completely be exaggerating, yeah. But I can't seem to let it go every time I look at him, and the way he hasn't bothered to try and approach me tells me enough about our friendship and how much he cares about me.

Yet he can probably say the same thing about me, right? That is the thing with humans... we don't want to seem vulnerable so we wait for the other person to approach us meanwhile they don't because they don't want to seem vulnerable either.


Is it worth it? I was having a great time with Kayden, quite frankly he was the oxygen filter I needed when I came in here and now it's gone... slowly replaced with Maritza and Emerson who I've gotten closer to but it's not the same. I miss him, but does he miss me?

I sit in the side of the room stretching all my muscles so I'm ready when everyone else gets here, because like always, at this point it's routine. I'm the first one here.

My legs are stretched in front of me pointing my feet and fighting the cramp on my left foot that is not fully there but also not- not there, I close my eyes and bring my body forward trying to reach my feet something I've never been able to do but it's always fun to force my body to the limit. I'm surrounded by peace and determination to at least hold my feet for one second when I hear Julian laugh behind me.

Julian. The guy who to this day calls me "The New Girl" and at this point, he does it on purpose just to mess with me, I've noticed he loves to annoy me just as much as he does Rubi. Since I'm always the first one here and usually Rubi is busy with music and other things only Rubi knows, him and I have had more conversations. I can't exactly say we're friends because he's Rubi's brother. He's a little awkward when it comes to conversations or maybe not awkward.. actually yes awkward and reserved so it's not easy to talk to him. However, we've had a couple of conversations and he's nice... annoys me yes, but I still don't get why he's friends with Carson and Ansel they just don't match at all.

"Yes?" I open my eyes and put my arms behind me holding me up but relaxing my legs from the stretches

"You know you're the only one that does that other than my sister right?

I scrunch my eyebrows as he sits next to me "Yeah so?"

"I've seen you dance and you're definitely no dancer at all but in some ways you're flexible and in other ways, you're not at all combined with having two left feet and stepping on me every time we switch partners and you dance with me"

I want to laugh I really do but if I do, it will allow him to make these comments in front of the others, I can't let that happen so I keep the seriousness on my face although my eyebrows are hard to control. "Woo gee thanks, way to make me feel confident"

"I wasn't trying to," he says and I almost want to say No shit Sherlock but instead I smile, I feel bad for the lack of knowledge of the art of sarcasm he has no idea of and again I wonder how Carson and he are friends. "How can you do the splits but can't reach your feet when you do that stretch?"

My lips move halfway into a smile but not really as my eyebrows rest lower on my face "I-" I try to think how to answer that but I've never even thought about that myself. See this is what I mean when I say Julian is awkward. "I don't know, never thought about it"

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