prologue- youth

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someday i'll get it
by Alec Olsen


someday i'll get it
Alec Olsen

The Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene

Ain't No Rest for the Wicked
Cage the Elephant


Would That I

The View Between Villages
Noah Kahan

Way Down We Go

Blood \\ Water

This book is inspired by Too Sweet by Hozier.
The song for the chapter will be quoted at the beginning of each.



Gandalf lurched.

Elrond gripped the man's shoulder with hard hands, hands too hard for what Gandalf saw as kingly. But his eyes could not stray away from the Elleth laying in front of them.

Gandalf has been here for four days, waiting for the Elleth to open her eyes. He had sent word to Elrond, asking that he come alone and to trust in him, that he had found something that Middle Earth could not know of yet. While he did not tell him the specifics, Elrond had surely trusted the wizard's word and arrived alone, but was in an obvious harsh wonder at the sight before him.

There she laid, an Elleth of unnatural, but beautifully tanned skin. Her tunic, comprised of orc fabrics, laid almost with her, not on her in heaps of sliced, blood covered pieces. Her, again, unnatural grey hair laid in unkempt strands over a deep collarbone, eyes encased with long, thick eyelashes. She had royally high elven cheekbones, and plump lips that were partially opened in what seemed to be a scream. The heap that she was laid in looked like a dirt grave, with tree roots gripping onto what they could of her body. As Gandalf and Elrond watched, these roots constricted, as if to pull her body towards the wizard and the elven king.

But this Elleth was covered in striking white markings, looping and stretching across her entire body. They started in a spiral around her chest, swirling lines dancing like flames down her hips, all the way to the back of her calves. They curved over her collarbone and down her arms, lacing to her fingers. They stretched up the back of her neck, stopping in another spiral right up to her hairline.

"What in the Valar is this," Elrond sucked in a breath as his grip again tightened on Gandalf's shoulder.

The wizard let a huff out from his pipe. He knew Elrond would not know instantly, and would turn to him to answers. Although, Gandalf barely had any.

The Valar was telling him to come here, to be here, to sit and to wait. He was told that this Elleth was the key to something to come, and Gandalf knew that 'something to come' involved Bilbo and what he had in his quarry in the Shire. Gandalf also knew that he would soon see the day where action had to be taken with the ring, as kingdoms like Mirkwood and Isengard were seeing darkness like never before.

He was told she was the daughter of Sauron. Though Gandalf knew what was meant by this, as Sauron has no kin. This 'daughter of Sauron' was a mere Elleth that, probably as a child, held a gift from nature- more specifically from the earth itself. The Valar gifted her with control over nature, and Sauron saw this as an opportunity. Gandalf guessed she was used for her power, her memory, mind, and soul slain to the darkness he cast over her. He assumed her markings were the symbols of her use- a sick act of Sauron 'claiming' her ability.

He glanced up at the Elven king. "I do believe the Valar sent me here. Come, help me get her up and back to Rivendell, and I will explain on the journey back."

Elrond paused, wanting to trust his old friend. But the king also had Rivendell to think about, and the markings on this Elleth were obviously that of foul play. "I do not know if I can allow her presence, Gandalf."

The wizard looked up at him again from his now soft grip on the roots holding her body. "Do not stand there and tell me you, out of all souls, have not felt the darkness blanketing this land. You have fought him once and defeated him. You have given everything to your kingdom. By refusing to help her, you are revoking everything you have already accomplished."

The king stood tall, looking down his nose at Gandalf. He spoke clearly. "You are correct, Gandalf the Grey. I apologize."

The wizard smiled. "There is nothing to forgive, old friend. Now, help me, please."


Elrond gazed into the bright eyes of the Elleth in front of him. Gandalf had explained everything well, from how he was called to find her to what he believed she was. Elrond believed his friend fully, the Valar asking him as well to care for her, as she has not seen a good hand for as long as she has been on Middle Earth. The Valar told of her memories taken, how she might only remember her original Elven tongue, but the Elleth awoke speaking what he thought to be a mix between Orcish and a language he did not know of- a whisper like chanting that sent chills through his spine.

As he smiled at her clean, elegant form, she smiled back, striking grey eyes boring into his. And for some reason, Elrond found himself seeing Arwen in her, and a sudden desire to eliminate all bad done to her gripped his heart.

He strode to Gandalf's shoulder, placing his hand on it the same way he did twenty-six days ago when he first saw her. He leaned forward, brushing his hands against her hair to create the beginning of a braid as he spoke to her. "I am Elrond Peredhel, Lord of Rivendell. You, my child, will be called Grey Era'vunelen, my Nightstar, and those will call to you with remembrance of Gandalf the Grey, as told in the color of your eyes, your soul."

Grey smiled again at him, rolling the name off of her tongue. His companion smiled as well, standing to bow to her. She spoke, in elvish, as if not remembering the language spoken moments before.

"Hello, Lord Elrond Peredhel, and Gandalf the Grey," she said. "How may I serve you?"

Elrond and Gandalf shared a glance.

For the next two months, Lord Elrond and Gandalf the Grey showed Grey Era'vunelen how to live. They told her to keep her powers a secret, and she served them through and through. Elrond held a heavy heart through most of it, until the day his twin sons battled a raid on the gates, in which he and other members of the gaurd watched as Grey took on fourteen human men, falling them all within minutes with swift strikes from a stolen blade. Grey herself seemed startled, but Elrond found this newfound strength as a healing point.

His sons trained her until she was training them, as well as the rest of his gaurd. She was loved by all, and all loved her. Her unfamiliar beauty was comparable to Arwen's, whom taught her the strength in elegance and knowledge, and Elrond and Gandalf found themselves loving Grey as their own.

A happy life, it seemed, and it was. Elrond was glad he could give it to her, and thankful he listened to Gandalf that day.



but let's make it better fr

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