part IV, ch. 6-7

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ch. 6- view from the edge

Way Down We Go

"Oh, cause they will run you down,
down 'til the dark.
Yes, and they will run you down,
down 'til you fall."

Greys pov

And, here I was, slashing through the abomination of rough skin and strong arms.

My blade came down hard to split one of the monster's arms, only for another to take its place. One of Legolas's arrows stuck into another to my left. All my focus was pinned on the hobbit in front of me.

I leapt, hands almost slipping straight off of the tentacle I grabbed on to.  I swung my body forward, thankful to land on another arm shooting towards Frodo. I forced my feet almost into a dance, stabilizing myself as I leapt again, but this time, towards the hobbit.

I managed to grab a handful of his shirt before the water met my back, the smack ringing through the mountain side and soaring above Aragorn's screaming. The momentum pulled Frodo from the monster's grasp, and I felt another tug when he began to sink into the blackened water next to me.

I kept my grip on his shirt, willing my arms to pull us to the surface. My head broke through, and as I yanked the hobbits head above the water, I screamed to Legolas.

Twin arrows embedded themselves into the beast's head. I took the opportunity to heave the now sputtering hobbit to the shore.

"Go, go!" Gandalf pointed with his staff towards the entrance of the caves. Frodo had hopped off of his knees quicker than I have ever seen a hobbit move, and he barreled towards Gandalf. I checked my shoulder, watching the monster writhe as it shot more and more tentacles out towards us.

I grabbed Boromir as rocks tumbled to the ground where we were standing just before. A darkness encased us as they collapsed onto each other, trapping us into the mines of Moria.

Hours before, we were trudging through a landslide of snow and boulders Saruman had cast upon us. While Legolas and I struggled to help the company, we could not prevent Frodo almost rolling off the side of the mountain, caught willfully by Boromir. A little skirmish over the ring was definitely one of the aspects that encouraged Frodo to decide to abandon the crossing and retreat to the mines Gimli spoke so highly of.

And now here I was, sopping wet with an equally doused and panting hobbit next to me. Five minutes of silence passed between us as I held a comforting hand to his shoulder, squatting in front of him.

"We camp here, for now," Aragorn strutted up to us, wild eyes checking over the hobbit and I for wounds. "Gandalf does not remember which path to take. Rest up, change your clothes. We'll get a fire started to dry those."

I glanced past him to the shocked faces of the rest of the Fellowship, the hobbit I now know as Sam taking a small collection of sticks out of his pack.

I threw my pack to the ground when Frodo was first grabbed by the tentacles of the vile creature. I was sure it did not make it through the avalanche of rocks.

But as Boromir stepped up as well, he held out both mine and Frodo's packs, as clean and dry as if they had been set down to rest a day in the sun. I stood and took it, meeting his eyes. He nodded to me, turning to walk back to the fire.

I blinked hard, glancing around the room for a place to change. I opted for behind a wall to the far corner, away from any eyes that could see that far.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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