CH -1 Invitation

443 31 9

Croydon , London,
Singhnaia mansion.

Ma listen to me for once.

No .


I said what I said. She turned her head in the other direction showing she is angry .

This women . I don't know why do you are acting like this . This ain't the first time I am going out for a business trip .

But this is the first time you are going to India and i don't want to you go to that place . That's it.

Why ?

She is quite.

Ma either you tell me the reason for your denial or we are ending this topic here with a yes.

She stayed quiet.

I signed and stood up from my chair.

I looked at my dad who just entered the hall , i nodded at dad at him and went out.

Will you not stop her ? Mrs singhnaia spoke , tear filled her eyes ready to drop out ,  to her husband

Do you think she will listen to me ? Mr singhnaia said holding his wife's hands consoling her

She is just like you stubborn.

Stopp her . She cannot go to India . If they find out - no no please stop her
Mrs singhnaia said while sobbing.

Shhh shhh stop crying she has to know about it . One day she will know about it eventually, we cannot always hide it from her .
Right? Mr singhnaia said while wiping his wife's tear

What if they snatch her away from me like before ? What if they hurt her. My daughter will get hurt she will feel pain if she gets to know the truth. Mrs singhnaia questioned her husband

Don't worry this time she is not a small child but indeed a  tigress she knows how to protect her self. Mr singhnaia said while assuring her

I will die if something happens to my daughter. Promise me you will always protect her . Mrs singhnaia spoke looking at her husband

I will , always.

I looked outside the window my brain was filled with numerous thoughts - the way ma was scared about me going to India is making me feel some is fishy

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I looked outside the window my brain was filled with numerous thoughts - the way ma was scared about me going to India is making me feel some is fishy.

The way she denied and the fear clearly visible on her face speak that she is hiding something big.

She is surely hiding something.

Everytime I try to know about our family in India she changes the topic .

Not that I am interested in knowing about my family but I still a part of me wants to know my roots but also I  can't manipulate my mother to speak truth . It will hurt me and if dad got to know he will be angry . He loves his wife . I love my mother too but I am not expressive person .

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