Ch -6 Furstation

194 27 3



SAME DAY .....

I watched her moving out of the office

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I watched her moving out of the office.

Afer she left and the door slammed closed with a bang . I turned my chairs towards the monitor.

She looked back.

She mumbled something.

Maybe cursing me ?

How do I know ?

By reading the expression on her face . I can read face same way I can read minds .

And then  she straight went towards the elevator.

She tapped the floor. furstated.

She is furstated.


She looked at her watch and then enter the elevator.

I checked the camera of elevator

"Out of all the floor he has to be on top on floor "

Her words.

I wanted to irritate her more .

Should I stop the elevator in middle ?

Yes . A nice idea.

I pressed the button and BOOM.

The elevator stopped in middle.

She stumbled back and then gain back her posture

She closed her eyes .

She is angry .

Maybe more then angry .

She dialled someone

I mean tried to dial someone

Because that someone didn't pick up her calls

She again groaned in furstation

After ten minutes being stuck inside the elevator.

She is now motion less

Sweats buds on her forehead passing through her face and then disappearing in her bosom

She is Neither trying to call anyone Nor screaming for help

No this is not fun .

She should cry for help,
begging would also work .

But she is standing straight
Eyes fix on the same point .

The elevator would have hole if she keeps on staring.

I tapped again on the button which eventually made elevator move down

If she relaxes seeing the elevator move I will again stop it -

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